Comments on: America’s Manufactured Rage Problem
Promoting Positivity in WomenSun, 05 Feb 2017 04:13:00 +0000hourly1 Leslie Wimes
Sun, 16 Feb 2014 11:58:45 +0000 rock are you hiding under? The fact that women get .77 cents on the dollar is “doing fine” to you? Basing your opinion of Black women by what you see on television tells me that YOU are the one that needs educating. By the way, I guess you don’t watch Honey Boo Boo or any other show other than ones that depict Black women in a negative manner. Just so you know we have not cornered the market on having babies or bad behavior. If you are happy with your lot in life, keep it, it is your choice.
]]>By: barbie
Sun, 16 Feb 2014 11:49:06 +0000 are in fact encouraging rage from women. Women are doing just fine without women like you making us feel that we need to do more to establish ourselves. You seem to be a bit racist against whites. Until the black women we see on daytime TV learn to take responsibility for their actions instead of having more babies they cannot care for and exhibiting extreme nasty behavior…no respect will be given to them. Educate your women to learn to speak the English language so we do not have to be embarrassed to call them Americans.