Comments on: Christian Ulvert Is Out, But Is That Enough? Promoting Positivity in Women Sun, 05 Feb 2017 04:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leslie Wimes Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:23:48 +0000 It seems everyone has an FDP source. I guess we shall see.

By: Jean Jenner Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:14:07 +0000 I have been around the Democratic Party long enough to know the routine. We win, we congratulate ourselves, we lose we blame the Democratic Party Leadership.

I believe now is the time is to look at what worked, what did not work and, based on findings develop a plan of action. The blame game is not going to achieve anything other than create division.

And yes, according to my FDP source, Christian is still and will remain the Political Director.

By: Sunburn for 11/10 - The morning read of what's hot in Florida politics - SaintPetersBlog Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:31:05 +0000 […] Sunday morning, Wimes, a disaffected progressive activist who supported Nan Rich for governor, tweeted to her 61,918 followers on Twitter that “Ulvert has been kicked to the […]

By: Leslie Wimes Sun, 09 Nov 2014 18:07:57 +0000 Lmao! You do realize that once you post on my site, I get your IP address, and therefore I can locate you, don’t you Peter Schorsch? Lmao! It’s really burning you up that someone told ME that Ulvert was out before they told YOU!

By: John Doe Sun, 09 Nov 2014 18:03:41 +0000 You need to check your sources and get real facts prior to writing a post/blog. Christian is still and will remain the Political Director.

By: Christian Ulvert STILL working for the Florida Democratic Party - SaintPetersBlog Sun, 09 Nov 2014 18:01:16 +0000 […] Sunday morning, Wimes, a disaffected progressive activist who supported Nan Rich for governor, tweeted to her 61,918 followers on Twitter that “Ulvert has been kicked to the […]

By: Leslie Wimes Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:50:59 +0000 I agree whole heartedly! I don’t think Ulvert should be the sole fall guy for what happened.

By: Tere Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:12:08 +0000 Making Christian the “goat” for this debacle is not fair but it does underscore the need for the FDP to clean house of all Party officers and staff who scuttled Alan Clendenin efforts to be Chair of the FDP and Nan Rich’s efforts to be the next Governor of our state, It is time that the local DECs stand up and regain their standing as the Party’s keepers,

By: Veronica Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:11:17 +0000 How long will the Florida Democratic Party continue this “self sabotaging?” They need to take a long look in the mirror and realize that their base is staring back at them too.
