Comments on: Indiana Woman Pleads Guilty To Selling Baby For Sex Promoting Positivity in Women Sun, 05 Feb 2017 04:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: MrsJones Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:30:01 +0000 Ella-

She does have a mental problem. No normal person would do this. However, her mental issues should not, in any way, prevent her from spending the rest of her life behind bars. We don’t need anyone else like her (or her ‘business partner’ or their ‘clients’) from walking around freely.

By: Relisha Rudd, We All Failed You! Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:13:35 +0000 […]  Did she sell Relisha?  We all know things like this happen everyday.  Remember my story on the Indiana woman who sold her baby to pedophiles?  Unfortunately, that is the only thing that makes sense to me. […]

By: Victoria Appiah Wed, 29 Jan 2014 21:21:25 +0000 OMG!! What an animal! May God have mercy on us. What mother will ever do this to a 4-18 months old baby? This is sickening. I hope the judge doesn’t accept any mental disorder defense.

By: Ella Stanley aka Love Child Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:43:50 +0000 This is a real sick person and she will surely pay for this in hell and on earth.

There is a lawyer some where awaiting to get her out of the charges brought against her, they will try and say she has a mental problem. This is not a mental disorder this is a clear case of animalism. They need to put her in prison and let the inmates deal with her. It seems that she has had problems all of her life.
