Comments on: Life Is More Important Than Money: The Tragic L’Wren Scott Story Promoting Positivity in Women Sun, 05 Feb 2017 04:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:31:11 +0000 I wouldn’t say that you need to be ashamed of yourself. I think your situation is a heavy burden, and, based on what you have said, is causing you stress. That happens to everyone at some point, and is nothing to be ashamed about. Just don’t let the stress get the best of you, and cause you to lash out unnecessarily. Good luck.

By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:27:43 +0000 Dear, one can be an expert on a subject without ever having experienced that subject. Not all orthopedic surgeons have had broken bones, but they can sure fix them. People who have had broken bones more than likely couldn’t fix them. Do you get my point? What you did was come here and insert your own experience into something that did not have anything to do with you, and made it ALL about you. I get that you are in pain, but that does not give you the right to try to inflict said pain on others. Your experience doesn’t make you an expert. It simply makes you a person who has had an experience. Nothing more, nothing less.

By: CK Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:24:37 +0000 And I am heartily ashamed of myself for allowing myself to engage in this. I am withdrawing, with my sincere apologies for drawing you into a pissing match. Please have a wonderful life.

By: CK Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:19:14 +0000 This is the situation. You read an article about someone who committed suicide. You developed an opinion, which you stated, based on the news story, and how sad it is that someone would do something like that. As someone who has a very personal stake in the topic of suicide, I responded, badly, I admit. But can you not see that your opinions, as stated, could be hurtful to people who actually have to live with this kind of thing in their life? And that your responses to my pain were dismissive, to put it kindly? Your comment that my experience doesn’t make me an expert any more than your inexperience makes you a novice–well, almost any experience makes a person who has experienced it more of an expert, while zero experience, no matter what the topic, almost always makes the inexperienced person a novice. That is just a truth of life no matter what the topic is. If you go into a college classroom, and your professor tries to explain something to you, something about which they have great experience, but you have none, are you going to say to them, that their experience doesn’t make them any more of an expert than your inexperience makes you a novice? They would laugh you out of the classroom! Please–I’m asking you to please put yourself in the position of me or someone like me, and then try to understand why there might be some anger at the somewhat flippant way you treated this topic. Yes, I reacted badly. But that doesn’t mean that my points aren’t valid.

By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:51:57 +0000 No, dear, it doesn’t. call a friend and talk to them. sounds like you need to. You seem stressed and tense.

By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:49:33 +0000 So that tells me you have heard it before. That means I’m not the only person who has told you that. If you are in group therapy, call a group member or sponsor or whatever it is you have, because you need to talk to someone. You are close to sounding like a narcissist,making everything about you and your experience. You are trying to take your anxiety out on someone who has nothing to do with your situation. The fact that you clearly don’t like my blog, and yet can’t just keep it moving is a problem. I don’t tend to go places I don’t like. Look at yourself. I really hope you AND your loved one gets the help you need.

By: CK Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:45:53 +0000 Um, actually, yes it does.

By: CK Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:43:40 +0000 Ah, yes, the old “you are offended because someone has a different opinion than you” remark. I don’t have a different opinion than you. I have a different experience than you, and that experience informs my knowledge, not my opinion. If you feel that I am being sanctimonious, know that that is how I read your blog. Do you not ever want to yell at someone because you know they are speaking about something deadly serious that they know nothing about? Does that mean you need help? However, I do indeed recognize my own need for support in my circumstances, and am attending group therapy for people like myself, who must deal with loved ones who are suicidal as a result of deep depression. You must have no idea how heart-wrenching and full of anxiety each day is; how each phone call is greeted with a sick feeling in my gut, from wondering if I am going to have to go to the ER again, or if I am going to have to talk her down again. And I am happy you don’t live with this. I wouldn’t wish this kind of existence on anyone. But you have to understand that when people like me read your blog, it hurts, because it is painfully obvious that you don’t have a clue.

By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:41:48 +0000 You have some anger issues that you need to deal with. I suggest you deal with those, rather than try to dictate what I should or shouldn’t write on my blog. Just because you have a loved one that has ” stood on the edge of the abyss” does not make you an expert on the subject anymore than me not having a loved one on the edge makes me a novice. Instead of coming here with attitude and anger, go be there for your loved one and I’ll pray for the both of you.

By: CK Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:34:22 +0000 Obviously the comment that people care and suicide isn’t the right answer does not offend me. If anything, it’s probably the only part of this blog that doesn’t. You write as someone who has never stood on the edge of the abyss with a loved one contemplating the jump with an eagerness, not understanding that if they jump they take you with them. This is a place I live in. Your question “What could possibly be so bad that life isn’t worth living,” and your implications that suicide is the result of people not being able to deal with bad circumstances, implies a lack of understanding that suicide isn’t about circumstances. Without directly saying so, you seem to make the case that suicide is the result of people placing things before people (you lay that out in your opening sentence), and that all it takes is a positive attitude. People who are suicidal can’t develop a positive attitude. They need help. They need treatment and support, not a pep talk. I apologize for the “grow up” remark, but I do think you shouldn’t be commenting on this issue since you obviously can’t address it in any meaningful way.
