Comments on: Slavery Is Over, But How Long Will Some Black People Continue To Be For Sale? Promoting Positivity in Women Sun, 05 Feb 2017 04:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ty Wimes Mon, 30 Nov 2015 00:27:54 +0000 I hope that you continue to grow Leslie,Ty

By: Leslie Wimes Mon, 19 Oct 2015 21:42:19 +0000 My opinion is worth you stalking me, however. The contributions are public record, and something tells me you checked it out for yourself already, or you would not have your bloomers in a wad, and your geritol wouldn’t be boiling over, old lady! I understand that you don’t like the fact that “my people” are waking up, and you just may be losing control. That scares you doesn’t it? O h yes, you did admit that it was true, didn’t you? Go away old lady.

By: Diane Brown Mon, 19 Oct 2015 19:42:39 +0000 I’ve read other rantings of Ms Wimes and she sounds like a very mean, spiteful political wannabe (along the lines of Fox Noise talking heads) who takes a piece of truth and twist it into something sinister, always portraying the white folk as ugly racists who only use African Americans for their own benefit. And just like Fox and that ilk, she gives no proof – just malicious allegations……..

Her problem is she thinks ‘her people’ are too dumb to read between her lines, in fact, to see into her soul. But she sorely underestimates them………

She says Murphy “through his REPUBLICAN parents” gave money. Now either it was Murphy OR his parents who gave the money — she does not know if Murphy agreed or not, even though she acknowledges that maybe, just maybe – they gave to these Black politicians because they like them……… Still, with that admitted possibility, she tries to tie these donations into collusion of quid pro quo between these Black leaders and Murphy, claiming his parents donations were “around the exact timeframe that they threw endorsements at Patrick Murphy. That is called bribery, like the situation in which the Ron Paul aide was charged……….

Where is her proof of such criminal acts? She doesn’t give the dates of either the parents’ donations or the Black leaders’ endorsements of Murphy, if, in fact, they have endorsed him. She does not cite any collaborating evidence from a 3rd party privy to this collusion or even that the Feds are investigating these alleged crimes……….

Additional points Ms. Wimes makes that should be looked at with a “side eye” (her phrase) are her claims the Murphy parents’ donations amounted to 20 and 40 per cent, respectively, of all the funds Hastings and Wilson have raised “for this election cycle,” which, BTW, does not end until the Nov 2016 elections. Well, since “this election cycle” has not even gotten into full swing, these percentages are meaningless……….

If Ms Wimes’ opinions were worth being taken seriously, I would verify the amounts and dates myself but accusations coming from her are not worth my time.

By: Si Sun, 18 Oct 2015 11:56:27 +0000 I agree with you %1000. And. Thanks for keeping it 1000.- It’s past time for politics as usual. We need to immediately change our status to “No Party Affiliation” and make all these candidates work for our vote.
