Comments on: The Florida Democratic Party Should Be Ashamed! Promoting Positivity in Women Sun, 05 Feb 2017 04:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: dis Wed, 28 May 2014 18:15:12 +0000 The hell with Crist, the hell with MSNBC (who has bought into this crap), the hell with the Fla democratic party (not much anyway), the hell with Taddeo— I am a male and I will not tolerate this bullshit. Rich is the only democrat in the race

By: Elizabeth Drake Wed, 07 May 2014 18:30:08 +0000 Well, since you’re a registered Republican, Kathy, it’s not surprising you are so convinced Rick Scott will win.

I guess it also means you can’t vote in the Democratic primary anyway. “The problem with politics is people like you…who are so loud and vocal” — yet do nothing to back up their empty words with action. Or, say, voting.

By: Kathy Wed, 07 May 2014 02:18:38 +0000 Elizabeth, I profile. You cannot be communicated with because you only want to be heard. You are not an independent thinker. If you were, you would understand why Leslie has chosen not to vote for Crist. You’re not even civically engaged because you actually think that Rick Scott is “known nationwide as one of the WORST politicians in the country right now.” You want to belong. You’re part of the majority of voters that bitch about party politics and think you have some super secret strategy to get rid of a politician that you don’t like, even if it means letting go of all your principles and your party ideals. You don’t want a Democrat to win, you want Scott to lose. What you need to ask yourself is why? If you don’t like his politics, you need to focus on the legislature, not Scott. The policymakers like Will Weatherford should have your wrath, not Scott, but who would listen to you if you weren’t speaking the same topic as everyone else? The problem with politics are people like you. Easily swayed by the opinions of others and the worst part is you are so loud and vocal you don’t see how ignorant you sound. You’re not convinced that you’re smart, so you have to follow what others say in order to believe in yourself. Because of that – I guarantee Rick Scott will win.

By: Lewinski's Paramour to Attend Fundraiser at $11 Million Lumber Liquidators Mansion for Democrat Charlie Crist - Blur Brain Tue, 06 May 2014 21:05:34 +0000 […] Bill Clinton is showing up at a fundraiser for the Democratic Governors Association, which supports Charlie Crist for governor, on Palm Island in Miami […]

By: Elizabeth Drake Tue, 06 May 2014 17:09:02 +0000 Dear Kathy,

I thank you for enlightening me to the fact that I am in fact sexist and anti-women’s-empowerment in one breath and insulting my intelligence by telling me I’m not capable of independent thought in the next.

Your long and illustrious career of “audience profiling” has clearly helped you hone your ability to communicate effectively and persuasively with a civically engaged female audience.

By: Carlos Tue, 06 May 2014 16:12:45 +0000 Yes, that’s one of the things State Parties can do, but if they were going to derail Nan why even extend that courtesy.

Yes, Crist played politics – lots of dirt. But let’s stop holding Nan to a holier-than-though standard. She’s a politican, playing our loose finance laws. So let’s just be real here, she’s not a savior. If she wins the nomination, she’ll cut deals with all the big special interests to raise enough money to challenge Scott.

By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 06 May 2014 15:57:51 +0000 I would imagine you totally bypassed Charlie Crist’s FDP donations in kind, right? You don’t really think the FDP is going to be THAT overt about their shenanigans, do you? As far as illegalities, shall we start listing Charlie Crist’s questionable activities, like ohh…I don’t know….selling judgeships?

By: Kathy Tue, 06 May 2014 14:25:54 +0000 Elizabeth Drake, you are exhausting and a trained seal. You said it right here, ” I’m supporting Charlie because I believe with utter conviction that what Florida needs right now is to elect a Democratic governor — and he is our best shot of doing just that.” How is Crist Florida’s best shot? Someone told you that, most likely seven times because that’s what it takes to sink in. You have been programmed like a good robot and you believe all the hype. TheTRUTH IS that all things being equal – no one is caught in a scandal – Nan Rich has just as strong a chance as Crist, probably even better given that she is a woman and doesn’t have the “flip flop” brand attached. People that say Crist is the best chance are really saying that a woman can’t win against a man. So again, stop smelling that sheep’s ass in front of you and think for yourself. Crist doesn’t have this sewn up and based on my 20 years in audience profiling, I predict he will lose handily to Scott in November.

By: Carlos Tue, 06 May 2014 13:44:20 +0000 The FDP is so devious! Undermining Nan at every turn… including donating in-kind $173,374 dollars and 45 cents — to get her hopes up. Why is the FDP donating to Nan? Is Nan hiding contributors through the State Party that she doesn’t want her dear fans to know about, and contributions made well over the $3,000 allowed maximum — skirting state finance laws?

You might also want to tell her that the $5,000 total contribution from the Kevin & Susie Family Foundation is illegal since the max is only $3,000 from any single entity.

By: Leslie Wimes Tue, 06 May 2014 12:52:01 +0000 Thank you for that comment, Bill. I couldn’t agree more.
