For the first time in 24 years, Debbie Wasserman Schultz will not get the endorsement of the AFL-CIO. Despite getting the recommendation of the Broward County chapter, Wasserman Schultz did not get the required 2/3 votes to secure the endorsement.
Some state AFL-CIO chapters have stated that there would be no endorsement of Democrats who voted in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
That includes Wasserman Schultz!
If you remember, Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponent, Tim Canova, protested the recommendation that Wasserman Schultz be endorsed, citing their failure to screen all candidates.
Turns out Canova was right.
At a June 12, 2016 meeting in Orlando, where AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka was present, as well as Wasserman Schultz, delegates from the CWA and the NNU spoke out against Wasserman Schultz, resulting in the failed endorsement.
Wasserman Schultz challenged the position of the national leadership to no avail.
Both the CWA and the NNU have endorsed Tim Canova.
Richard Templin, president of the Florida AFL-CIO confirmed to me, via phone, that Wasserman Schultz did not receive the required number of votes needed for the endorsement.
Wasserman Schultz’s vote in favor of the TPP, as well as her role in pushing the Democratic Party to the Right, were the major bones of contention cited by Delegates.
This is another blow to Wasserman Schultz, as she recently was relieved of control of the DNC to Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff.
Tim Canova, who recently passed the 2 million dollar mark in donations, is really giving Wasserman Schultz a run for her money in Congressional District 23.
Canova has challenged Wasserman Schultz to a series of 6 debates, where she will have to defend her record publicly.
So far, she has refused to commit to any debates.
Politicians are realizing that votes have consequences, and for Wasserman Schultz, one of those consequences is losing the support of major labor unions.
It is yet to be seen if she will also lose her Congressional seat.
Congressional District 23 is heavily Jewish, however Wasserman Schultz’s vote for the Iran agreement has angered many in the Jewish community.
Her performance as DNC Chair has angered many Democrats across the country, resulting in petitions and calls for her removal as Chair, the loudest critic being Bernie Sanders.
Wasserman Schultz, who received $68,000 dollars from the Payday Loan industry, backtracked on her support of the industry after heavy pressure from Tim Canova and Allied Progress.
Some say it’s too little, too late.
Wasserman Schultz has been a divisive figure in the Democratic Party mostly due to her handling of the Presidential primary.
Some feel she attempted to stack the deck in Hillary Clinton’s favor.
A DNC member, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said perhaps now that Wasserman Schultz has been relieved of her duties, the picketing that routinely went on at the DNC will stop, and things can get back to normal. The national convention is coming up, and the party is preparing to officially nominate the Democratic nominee, and unite to defeat Donald Trump.
As far as CD-23, things are just starting to heat up and a lot of eyes will be on that race to see if Canova can pull off in Florida what Dave Brat pulled off in Virginia, when he defeated Eric Cantor.
Leslie Wimes
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Truth teller
The DNC can give it up. There will be picketing at the national convention. I am dumping the democratic party after the convention unless a miracle happens and Bernie becomes the nominee. DWS definitely put a few nails in the coffin of my relationship with the DNC. Glad folks are waking up and taking action. Great article. Thank you!