What the hell? Seriously, what the hell? According to the Montgomery County Police Department in Maryland, Zakieya L. Avery, 28, was charged with two counts of first degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder!!
According to CNN, Norell Harris, 1 year old, and Zyana Harris, two years old, died from stab wounds sustained in an attempted Exorcism ritual! This ritual was attempted by their mother! I repeat, THEIR MOTHER! Two other children are currently hospitalized from injuries sustained during the ritual.
Mental illness is real folks!
Clearly this woman, and another woman also charged in this horrendous situation, did not get very much needed mental help! They are both in custody currently, with no bond, thank God!
Neighbors reported suspicious activity to Child Protective Services, but it is unclear as to whether CPS followed up on the complaints.
We have to stop writing our friends and family members off as “crazy” old Uncle Joe or Aunt Bessie! These people need help! Two innocent lives were lost and two others injured in this case, but how many more people will be hurt or killed related to un-diagnosed, un-treated mental illness?
People need to realize that there is a huge need for Obamacare, so that people can get the MENTAL help they need!
Leslie Wimes
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Wow, this is serious!! Well, I just don’t think seeking mental help is just enough. We really need God!