This morning Charlie Crist decided to announce his pick for Lieutenant Governor. Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. If this is his attempt to solidify the Democratic base, it isn’t going to work for the Black Community. What this pick shows is that Rick Scott and Charlie Crist are both pandering to the Hispanic community.
To my fellow African-Americans, I have this to say:
In the words of Michael Jackson, All I really know is that they don’t really care about us!!
To his credit, at least Rick Scott STARTED with somebody Black.
If you didn’t believe me before, please pay attention now.
Neither Charlie Crist nor Rick Scott gives a damn about the African-American community. Point blank, period.
What happened to Val Demings, if a woman was needed? I think we all can answer that question.
To add insult to injury, I’m told that to buffer the blow to the African-American Community for NOT selecting an African-American, Charlie Crist, Jim Messina, and others from the former Obama and now Crist campaign, have successfully convinced President Obama to endorse Crist prior to the Primary on August 26.
Now we all love President Obama, and we all helped to get him elected not once, but twice, but we all also know that Charlie Crist is no Barack Obama.
If a pre-primary endorsement does surface from the President, We have to see it for what it is: Charlie Crist once again using the President to shore up votes from a community that he doesn’t plan on doing one thing to support.
Once again, we are smarter than that.
According to Henry Crespo, President of The Democratic Black Caucus in Florida:
“It’s an interesting choice as it relates to the Black Community. I don’t know how it will go over. We will have to see.”
Veronica Wade, an African-American voter in Miami, had this to say:
“I see this as an insult”
Shane Pagano had this to say:
“Nice try Charlie Crist, but you can’t fool Latinos that easy. How do you say “pander” in Spanish?”
Gregory Fiege had this to say:
“With all of Crist’s pandering to the LGBT community, this is just as insulting.”
I’m with Uncle Luke on this one: It’s time to get radical!!
Leslie Wimes
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Pure Arrogance.
Stop being so hateful. I’ve seen you do this for weeks. Even while I was considering voting for Nan – your tone was a big turnoff! We can disagree without being disagreeable as our President says.
Imagine that, you coming to my site to tell me what to do and how to speak. Bye Felecia!
Love Val but I have to keep it real! Val has locked up half of blacks in Orlando under unfair policing additionally she has paid white consultants up to 15k PER month and pandering to the Hispanic and LGBT as well, she has NOT done anything in Orlando for African Americans except ask us to volunteer. I am PROUD of her accomplishments but I need BLACK REAL leaders in politics who a specifically address our needs. I am NO longer a Democrat; I am an Independent and will remain as such until I feel our votes are valued!