I watched Marco Rubio deliver a very well-written speech yesterday, announcing his intention to run for President of The United States. Even the delivery of this speech was impressive.
The only problem is that Marco Rubio doesn’t believe one word of it. If he is going to talk the talk, then he should walk the walk, and Rubio doesn’t do that.
Actions speak louder than words, and Rubio’s actions, while in the Florida legislature, as well as his short term in the U.S. Senate are in stark contrast to the words delivered in yesterday’s speech.
The part of Rubio’s speech that stood out for me the most, was when he said:
“While our people and economy are pushing the boundaries of the 21st century, too many of our leaders and their ideas are stuck in the 20th century…”
That really sounds great, however, I have a few questions.
1. You want to maintain a 50-year embargo on Cuba, the country of your parents’ birth. An embargo that clearly has not worked. How is that looking forward? If anyone is stuck in the past concerning Cuba, it is you, Mr. Rubio.
2. Millions of Americans have suffered for a very long time due to lack of Healthcare, and high Healthcare costs. You want to maintain that status quo. In fact, you want to take away Healthcare from millions of people, that, Democrats and Republicans alike, have just been able to acquire. Tell me how, exactly, that is forward thinking?
3. Women, to this day, still do not have equal pay for equal work. You agree with that situation. Explain to me how that isn’t a part of the dark ages. Women make up the majority of this planet, and yet you want to keep us in the dark ages. That doesn’t seem too futuristic to me, Mr. Rubio.
4. Florida sent you to the U. S. Senate. What did you do there that would be considered futuristic? You voted “no” to the reauthorization of the violence against women act. You didn’t even bother to show up for a number of votes. You have the most missed votes in the Senate. Were you working on a time machine that would allow you to vote from some place else and were just testing it out?
5. You drew a homophobic line in the sand when you said immigration reform legislation that included an amendment from Sen. Patrick Leahy allowing Gay Americans to be able to sponsor their foreign spouses for permanent residency, a right that I, as a heterosexual individual have, would cause you to scrap the entire thing. In fact, you said “if this bill has in it something that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill”. Get with the times, Mr. Rubio. Equality is a thing of the present, and the future. Inequality is the past.
So Mr. Rubio, as beautifully written and eloquently spoken as your speech was, it is clear that you don’t mean a word of it.
Being younger doesn’t necessarily mean you have new, youthful, updated ideas.
Leslie Wimes
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Your comments concerning Mr. Rubio were very admirable. His ideological beliefs are not applicable to this century. Just because you’re a good orator, as stated by some of his constituants, it doesn’t mean you’re qualified for being the prez.