It seems as though the whole Arceneaux/Walker deal was supposed to REALLY be on the low-low. So much so that now the FDP powers that be, read Allison Tant, is trying to pull back. Or so says my 100% reliable source. Having people make calls to deny that it was ever in the works is hilarious to me. If you people believe that it wasn’t going down exactly like I said, you are more gullible than you were when you didn’t believe that Christian Ulvert had been fired.
Let me be clear. Just like I wrote that Christian Ulvert was out at the FDP and many of you tried to say that I didn’t know what I was talking about when I did, plans were in the works to move Ashley Walker into that Executive Director’s position, only no one was supposed to find out about it until the last minute, according to my source.
Just like the FDP had to revamp their Ulvert plans after I posted about it, they now have to revamp these plans.
And just like the FDP was running around trying to find out who my source was then, they are trying to find out who my source is now, but guess what?
You see, there are many people who you would never suspect who do not like the shady business that goes on on Bronough street, and depending on the nature of said shady business, I could get my information from anyone. I don’t make it up, I just listen to the sources when they call, and they DO call.
Hey Allison Tant, the people you are talking to are talking to ME!! LMAOOOO!!
Hey BOO!!
Now, where was I?
Oh yeah,
The problem here seems to be that the Florida Democratic Party doesn’t think that an African American can draft a strategy to motivate North Florida Democrats, i.e. white voters.
Why is it that people think that it is a-ok for a white Executive Director or Chair, for that matter, to lead African Americans, but it is impossible here in Florida for an African American to be able to do the same for white voters?
Honestly, I think that is a disservice to our white brothers and sisters, in addition to selling African Americans short.
No wonder Jeff Branch has one foot out of the door!
Here he is, having given himself to this party, having served dutifully, having the resume, having the credentials, and getting passed up for Ashley Walker?
Now Ashley, I know you are going to read this, since you spent a tremendous amount of time on my site the other day (technology is a hell of a thing).
I don’t have anything against Ashley Walker personally, hell I don’t even know the lady.
Professionally, I have a problem with the fact that she has portrayed herself as the Black Whisperer!
I have a problem with ANYONE portraying themselves as the Black Whisperer, and the fact that the FDP feels that we need one, for that matter!
I also have a problem with the fact that the Florida Democratic Party seems to have a problem with a Black Person in a position of power.
Remember how folks moved heaven and earth to get Allison Tant into her Chair position? When someone had the bright idea that she should hold that position, she didn’t meet the criteria to do so. People had to give up positions in Leon County in order for Allison Tant to be able to run for Chair of the FDP.
Well go back a few more years.
Remember when Andrew Gillum, the current Mayor of Tallahassee, decided that he wanted to run for Chair?
Remember how those rules were thrown in HIS face? Remember how it was said that he couldn’t run because he didn’t hold any of those positions, and if I remember correctly, there wasn’t that same clamoring to give up seats to get him into position to run for Chair. I believe only Jacob Eaton and Jon Ausman were willing to help Andrew Gillum in that matter.
When it was Tant, everyone parted like the Red sea for Moses.
They did not want that BLACK man being Chair of the FDP. Point Blank, period.
I keep saying, and will continue to say, there needs to be fairness and equality WITHIN the Democratic Party when it comes to people of color, and currently that does not exist.
Until that happens, I will continue to ride the FDP like Black Beauty!! That is the bottom line.
Now as far as that whole Scott Arceneaux/Hillary Clinton thing goes.
Hillary Clinton: the fastest way to lose Black people in Florida is to hire Scott Arceneaux. If you want us to turn out in any semblance of the way we turned out for Barack Obama, why not hire a Black person?
Why not show us that you are going to practice what you preach?
The FDP has continuosly taken the Black vote for granted, kept us out of positions of leadership, and treated us like second class citizens under people like Scott Arceneaux, and you want to HIRE him? Yeah, lady, that’s going to go over Really well.
Why on earth would you hire someone who hasn’t won jack squat really since he has been in office, and has alienated so many Black people, to the point that we would not vote for you because of him?
Hiring Jeff Branch would mean more than hiring Scott Arceneaux, for God’s sake!
If you are going to take anyone from the cesspool that is the FDP, take Jeff Branch!!
He has more than earned it.
Leslie Wimes
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“Until that happens, I will continue to ride the FDP like Black Beauty!! ” – Leslie Wimes
OMG!!!, Leslie! Your wordsmith(ing) makes me laugh and think!
Wow! This is like 9th grade stuff. Infantile. Ms Grimes. if you so hate the Democrats, why don’t you drop “Democratic” from the name of your business?
Can you read? Grimes? Really? Listen old lady, neither you, nor anyone else can stop me from using Democratic. We are Democrats, whether you like it or not. We just don’t answer to you or your ilk. You can’t stand the fact that Black Women aren’t under your thumb, you racist old coot!