The answer to that question is pretty simple. We have hit rock bottom, so there is no place to go but up. How we start that ascent is the 70,493 vote question! You see, Charlie Crist lost by 70,493 votes, more than what Alex Sink lost by in 2010.
Do you remember my post “Charlie Crist Is Heading For The Same Fate As Alex Sink”? I wrote that piece on April 20th, 2014. I told everyone what would happen on Nov. 4th, and yet no one listened. I was discounted as a Republican Plant, had my character maligned simply because I told the truth.
Remember, the truth is the truth no matter who is telling it, and guess what? I spoke truth then, and I’m speaking truth now. It is up to you to listen, or not. That is always your choice, but then you have to be prepared for the consequences of your choice.
The consequence in choosing to anoint Charlie Crist as the Democratic nominee, well before the primary had played out, to totally disrespect Senator Nan Rich, a woman who has dedicated her entire political career to advancing the principles of the party, to basically sell the soul of the Democratic Party out because a new, shiny, “Democrat” wanted back into the political game, and to distance yourself from a President who still means the world to your African-American base, is the defeat that happened last night. It isn’t just that we lost the Governor’s race, there exists a Super Majority in the Florida House now.
So much time and energy was spent in trying to re-write Charlie Crist’s history, put him on the Florida Democratic pedestal, forego anything that wasn’t centered around him, and attack any and everyone that didn’t drink that particular brand of Democratic Koolaid, that there was no time or energy to help other candidates.
All of the Florida Democratic eggs were placed in the Charlie Crist basket.
All of those eggs are now on the face of Florida Democratic Party leaders.
You were warned. Over, and over, and over.
I didn’t play Monday morning quarterback. I’m not speaking because now I know that Crist lost. I spoke long, long ago.
The base of our party has been alienated. Disenfranchised. Ignored. Unappreciated.
Add that up and you know the reason Charlie Crist lost.
Now it is time for a come-to-Jesus meeting.
The Florida Democratic Party needs to do some introspection, and realize that the base will not be dictated to, and will not be ignored. We want to be included in that conversation about who we want to represent us. That isn’t asking for too much.
This isn’t to say that Nan Rich would have won. That’s something that we will never know. Disrespecting her, disrespecting the base, disrespecting the democratic process by refusing to debate, has all come back to seriously bite the party in the ass.
I’m not happy by any means that what I predicted came to pass. In fact, I’m sick to my stomach. I know what last night’s result means to Floridians who need healthcare, who need medical marijuana, who want a better life by increasing minimum wage.
I shudder at the thought of what the Florida Supreme Court make-up will be.
The strategy that the FDP leaders and Debbie Wasserman Schultz utilized backfired. They thought the hatred of Rick Scott would carry Charlie Crist to victory. They thought that Democrats would hold their nose and vote for Crist simply to get rid of Rick Scott. The opposite happened. People held their nose and voted for Rick Scott because they hated Charlie Crist.
Not just Democrats. Republicans as well. My Republican friends didn’t like Scott so much as they hated Charlie Crist. I told you months and months ago that strategy didn’t work for Mitt Romney against President Obama in 2012, and it would not work for Charlie Crist here in Florida.
No one likes a phony, and unfortunately, that was the way people saw Charlie Crist.
According to exit polls, 13% of Black Women voted for Rick Scott. 13%!!!
We are your backbone, Democrats. This should not be happening!!
It’s time for introspection, FDP leaders. It’s time to evaluate decisions that were made. It’s time to rebuild this party.
How about it, Allison Tant, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Arceneaux?
Debbie, you especially need to think long and hard. Democrats, under your guidance as DNC Chair, got soundly spanked!!
Are you ready to talk now?
Leslie Wimes
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Tell the truth and shame the devil!