I don’t care what they tell you.
I don’t care what they think.
They don’t know us. They don’t influence us.
They only thing they do is make money off of us, and it is time for that to stop.
It is really sad that “white consultants” are making claims to the black vote in Florida, and are convincing some viable Candidates, that they control our vote, and there is no need to hire a black consultant to work political campaigns.
While it is easy to pull up statistics to identify super voters in the black community, it is difficult for white folks to know our struggles and concerns and to feel the pulse of our community.
For white consultants to advise white candidates, or Black candidates for that matter, to run through our churches one month before elections, throw a fish fry or donate a frozen turkey to a group of seniors that don’t even cook anymore, which is so “1960’s!” and that’s knowing our community, is absolutely pathetic, and these people are not only getting away with it, they are making a huge chunk of change from it!!
At least update your tired game plan people!!!
Instead of hiring people who are entrenched into our communities, these outsiders manipulate a handful of Pastors and black elected officials, brag to their Candidate about who they “know”, and convince them that they are the “political consultant” that can bring in the black vote; therefore ignoring African-American and other minority consultants that really know their communities.
Stop letting these fools get away with these shenanigans Black people!!
There are “white” consultants out there that have had the privilege of working on some very influential black campaigns, such as the Obama campaign for Florida.
I have been hearing names like Ashley Walker who was the point person for the OFA campaign in Florida, claiming the victory for the win in Florida, and Judy Stern.
For the record, Black people were motivated to vote for the first Black President from a historical viewpoint. They did not give a rat’s crack about an Ashley Walker, Ashley Washington, or Ashley whatever. It was Barack Obama himself that had people waiting hours on end to cast their vote. They would have done that no matter who had been hired to work on the OFA team. The driving force was to see the first Black family make history and walk in to the White House for 8 years, and not because of a white consultant who claims to have a lock on the black vote.
Why these people feel the need to have this “control” over us is beyond me.
While, I am aware that Blacks represent a small percent of the popular vote, we all witnessed blacks young and old, on walkers and in wheel chairs, waiting in lines to vote for Barack Obama for President, in 2008 and again in 2012.
You will NOT see that same type of enthusiasm now that Barack Obama is not on the ballot, and no white political consultant is going to be able to get that to happen, no matter how much money he/she takes from you.
Our people know how to motivate us. Our people know what we need. So why aren’t Black Political Consultants used at the very least, to get out the vote in Black Communities? God knows they won’t be used anywhere else!
Let’s be honest, what Black consultant would be hired to do an entire election for a White candidate? It has never happened. We usually get that small piece of the campaign and run with it… going door-to-door to inform our voters about the people that we feel will best serve the community.
Aren’t you tired of being paid $10 dollars an hour to stand on corners and hand out palm cards while white political consultants are making the big bucks off of you? I know I am tired of watching that.
I started the Democratic African American Women Caucus for a reason. I know how important our vote is.
They know how important our vote is.
I happen to know some damn good National African American Political Consultants. I know some damn good Haitian and Jamaican ones as well.
People like Stephanie Bromfield, Tezlyn Figaro, Lucius Gantt etc…. I have others. Anyone can inbox me for a complete list!
The black vote is the pivotal vote in any election. It must be courted and respected. Black People are more likely to vote if they can hear the message from someone from our community that we know and trust. If not, we do not come out in record numbers.
2016 is going to require that we come out in record numbers. Candidates are going to need that to happen. Black Political Consultants are going to NEED to be hired.
I’m going to be paying very close attention to who hires who. I am going to make a point of calling out who hires who. If I see that once again, no money is being spent with Black Political Consultants in BLACK COMMUNITIES, you WILL be called out and Black voters will be informed that not only do you not want to spend money in Black communities, you don’t want to spend money with Black people. YOU ONLY WANT BLACK VOTES.
We aren’t playing with you people anymore.
There have been some viable candidates that have lost elections because their consultants have not formed teams made up of different ethnicities in order to get out the entire vote. Ask Charlie Crist, Alex Sink, Val Demings, etc.
It is important to pool our resources and our knowledge so that we can get the right people in to govern the people.
Black people have to start standing together and forcing, yes I said FORCING, others to respect our vote and our HUSTLE.
I have made no secret of the fact that the way I see it, if you don’t respect it, you don’t get it.
The VOTE, that is!!
Leslie Wimes
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Just to reiterate what you were speaking of, regardless if your white or black we in Florida are sick and tired of candidates bringing in people from out of town for PAID Field Coordinator Positions. They don’t know the area their assigned to and expect the help the local volunteers. Our complaint is we have PLENTY of seasoned campaigners that live here, most are retired and experienced and would like the PAID Position since we end up doing their work anyway. Our clubs are NEVER contacted to recommend people who would be capable to do the job. We’ve NEVER been given the opportunity so quit whining, I am white and we don’t get that opportunity I’m a member of two Democratic Clubs.
I have a couple of slogans for you:
“Represent in our representative democracy. Any election, black and white and all others, local, state and national, Get out the Black vote!”
“If Black Lives Matter then the Black Vote Matters…Any election, black or white, large or small, Get out the Black vote!”