Or any other Republican-lites the Florida Democratic Party tries to shove down our throats.
Nothing sums up the reason we should never vote for this man better than a comment I found on the liberal blog, The Florida Squeeze.
…this angry black woman candidate cannot win moderate white votes. It is just a reality of our great state of Florida.
Now, the person didn’t mention positions on the issues. The only thing this commenter mentioned was that same tired, old stereotype that is thrown at all Black women when we DARE to Stand up and speak out.
The commenter was referring to Pam Keith, the African-American woman who is running for U. S. Senate. The same African-American woman who was told by Florida Democratic Party Chair, Allison Tant, not to bother to run. Read the article yourself here.
But more importantly, read the comments.
Read how some of your fellow Democrats feel.
Pam Keith is not an angry Black Woman, by any stretch of the imagination. She is very pleasant and more than qualified for the seat she is running for. She is a very well spoken attorney, who happens to also be a veteran. She happens to understand the issues and is willing to fight for the Democratic platform, unlike Patrick Murphy, who prides himself on voting with Republicans. She is willing to stand up for members of our community who are being gunned down in the streets, unlike Patrick Murphy, who looked the other way when children of color who were canvassing for him were accosted by police.
I, on the other hand, AM an angry Black woman. I’m angry that the Florida Democratic Party leaders see Black people as nothing more than votes during election cycles. I’m angry that the party that is supposed to be about equality, isn’t equal at all when it comes to our community. I’m angry that I’m supposed to vote for the Patrick Murphy’s of the party, when those same people will NEVER vote for someone who looks like me.
That is what Allison Tant is trying to sell you. I hope you are not buying it.
In this day of police violence towards our community, you will NEVER hear Patrick Murphy stand up for you. he will never speak out. Why? Because he’d rather ignore the African-American community rather than piss off some racist white Democrats. He doesn’t care about Black people being gunned down by police.
Even Hillary Clinton had something to say about the way Black men are being killed by those who have sworn to serve and protect.
Wake up Black people!
We do not have to look to the Republican Party to find racists. They are right here in our very own party.
As long as certain Democrats have this plantation mentality, how can you vote for them? Does letting them scare you into believing that because you will have it worse with Republicans, mean you should take their BS too?
How about not taking BS from ANYONE?
Our Black men are being shot dead in the streets with impunity. Our Black women are being killed without ever getting so much as a mention in the press.
Is this ok with you?
It is not ok with me. It never has been, and it never will be.
It should NOT be ok with you.
You are being told that you have to bend over so that the racist part of the Florida Democratic Party can continue to ride your back.
You see, they can NEVER win without us, but you wouldn’t know it by the way we are treated within the party. Party leaders do not want the African-American community to realize the political power we have. Some of us may not have the millions to throw around, but we have something more important than money.
We have our vote and we need to stop giving it away and being treated like we don’t matter.
Stand up!
Stand up for yourselves. Stand up for your children. Stand up for what is right.
The Florida Democratic Black Caucus is no help. That organization is so shackled, it should be called Kunta Kinte, Inc.
If someone will never vote for you, why in the name of all that is holy should you vote for them?
Fear? Fear of what?
We can never, ever have it as badly as we did during slavery, so how can anything short of that scare you into stepping and fetching?
I understand why Allison Tant doesn’t want the Democratic African American Women Caucus to exist. She can’t control Black Women as easily as she seems to control some Black men in the Florida Democratic Party.
She certainly can’t control me.
She has given a few Black men some totally powerless positions, and had the audacity to stand before Kunta Kinte, Inc., oh wait, I mean the Democratic Black Caucus, and pat herself on the back.
The Democratic Black Caucus that has been ordered not to allow Pam Keith to speak this coming weekend.
God forbid the Democratic Black Caucus does what it is supposed to do: promote Black issues and Black Candidates. Oh no, can’t have that!
It’s ok, though. Florida does have a Democratic African-American organization that is unbought and unbossed.
The Democratic African-American Women Caucus.
You know, that organization that was ordered to shut down by the Florida Democratic Party. That organization that told the FDP to kiss where the sun don’t shine. That organization that is still here despite the cowardly attempts of sabotage by FDP leaders.
That organization that hasn’t forgotten Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, and countless others who lost their lives so that our backs don’t have to be permanently bent.
You might want to check us out.
We don’t put our members on the auction block.
Leslie Wimes
Latest posts by Leslie Wimes (see all)
- Hillsborough County Democratic Black Caucus Says “No Recommendation” To Lisa Montelione, HD 63! - October 29, 2016
- Chain Gang Charlie Is Back, Unfortunately For Black Folks In CD 13! - October 21, 2016
- Pam Keith, Racism Claims, And Debates - July 30, 2016
I am sharing your post for sure to as many Dems I can, Black and White, so they see what a racist you are. You are a hate monger and not fit to stand with our Black woman leaders.
This, coming from an old, 80+ year old white woman who belongs to the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, the group that has tried to suppress Black Women. Listen granny, I suggest you worry about what is going on on Sea Robin Lane, before you shuffle your decrepit self over here with idle threats. If at anytime you’d like to discuss it with me personally, you know face-to-face, so that neither of us hides behind keyboard courage, just let me know.
Not doing your side any favors.
My side? That’s rich. Not once in the comments on Florida Squeeze did you say it was wrong that Black people are expected to vote for people who would never vote for us. No, I think I’m doing “my side” a very big favor in opening their eyes to what hypocritical people some Democrats can be. We are no longer on the plantation. We don’t have to answer to you.
Is that what you think? Then you didn’t read enough.
Let me make something clear. I actually don’t care about skin color or any of that – I’m happy to coexist with anyone. But I don’t tolerate people who behave immaturely. Like what you’re doing right now. Insulting a woman, and assuming you think you know the way she thinks? You have a lot to learn.
Lmao! This old lady came to MY blog and insulted me. You see nothing wrong with that because you are every bit the racist that she is. You are every bit the hypocrite that she is. You completely ignored the fact that granny came to me. If you can bring it, you better be able to take it. You have a lot to learn, like you don’t control anything over here. Just be glad I’m letting you post. Over here is the United States of Leslie Wimes and I control what happens. The fact that no where in my post did I suggest or imply that I knew what she thought just proves that you are searching for anything to say. This old lady came to my blog, called me a racist and threatened that she was going to post my article all over, which I hope she does because it helps with traffic, but you totally ignored that because you suffer from White privilege and you are incapable of seeing anything wrong that is done to Black people. Get lost fool.
Thanks for proving my point BTW.
No, I’m pretty sure you proved mine. Your replies clearly show your refusal to admit, or see, what is being done by the Democratic Party. You have shown why we should never vote for Murphy. Even seeing what the old lady wrote, you still don’t acknowledge it. See what I mean Black people? Wake up!
Leslie is right on the money, lets add a little more to that fire, WE BLACK AMERICANS made the Democratic party when Dr. King made the deal with JFK VOTES 4 the Civil Rights Act of 1964. YOU BAMBOOZLED US. I am a candidate for Florida US Senate 2016 and your rule book is not created equal for the people.
I’m agree with your points,
She has important issues and good points,
But…for her speeches she should think also about the omnipresence of marketing.
Like it or not, politic is also a lot of marketing, so:
– slow down, a little bit, her speed when she speaks,
– stopping to let people cheers and back to be sure they hear every argument, and show them that she wants to hear them, communicate with them
– Ok she’s not angry, she’s motivated but we are in a political race so she can show determination… at some point, on some issues or ends of phrases but start the speeches lower
– start her speech by thanking the hosts who wecolme the event and set up the community meeting,
– thank the attendees to take time to meet her, when the Florida Democratic Chairwoman tries to shut her down
– don’t shake that much her head, that show controle even when she will fight for them
– And smile, she’s a radiant veteran full of energy, show that part of charme as well with her smile (specifically when she makes a point or show anger on an issue, that helps people to feel more confortable)
I really say it with respect and the hope that she will be the next US Senator of Florida