There is this wild rumor flying around that Charlie Crist has always been for Gay adoptions. That simply just isn’t true. I know, I know. People say if you repeat something seven times, others will believe it. I know Charlie has now repeated his “unwavering” support for Gay adoption, Gay Marriage, and anything else he thinks will get him elected, more than seven times.
Only his support not only wavered in the past, it simply wasn’t there.
Charlie Crist is on record saying that people from the LGBT Community just aren’t “appropriate” as parents. The LGBT Community and all of its supporters are now fighting damage that Charlie Crist helped to create. Charlie Crist went on National television with this:
I’m not saying people can’t and don’t evolve. What I AM saying is people generally don’t change their position on EVERYTHING they have ever believed. Now if you are in agreement that Charlie Crist really doesn’t believe ANYTHING, and that is how he can change directions on a dime, I can buy that.
That makes more sense.
So let’s say for one dark, twisted, nauseating, moment that Crist gets back into the Governor’s Mansion. What do you think is going to happen? I know he has been running around the state saying that he is going to look Republican Legislators in the eye and tell them that he is the same old Charlie (With the Black hole for principles and core values), and just like magic, they are going to go along with everything he wants to do. Now to keep it exactly 100, we really don’t know what Charlie Crist wants to do, but that’s another piece in the making.
Do you honestly think the Republican Legislators are going to say “ok, Mr. Charlie”, “anything you want Mr. Charlie”?
Nope. Those lines are saved for certain “leaders” in the Black Community who think they are going to get crumbs.
If Charlie Crist is going to get anything done in Tallahassee, which I think is going to be a stretch, he is going to have to give on something. Something big.
Unlike Charlie Crist, most Republicans, and Democrats, for that matter, don’t change their core beliefs like they change underwear. It just doesn’t happen.
That being said, what is Charlie Crist going to have to give up in order to get anything done? Which group of people will he have to throw under the bus?
Will it be the LGBT community? Republicans do not want same-sex marriage, Gay adoptions, or anything they think threatens the “traditional” view of marriage. Will Charlie Crist compromise on you, LGBT Community? Will you have to sacrifice for what will be called the greater good?
How about us, African-Americans? We typically don’t get squat anyway, but what will we have to sacrifice for Crist’s greater good? You want rights restored for felons who have paid their debts to society. Will Crist say that you have to fall on the sword for the greater good? Our communities need funding for education for our kids. Will Public Schools in our communities have to continue to suffer for Crist’s greater good?
How about the environmentalists? Will you have to bite the bullet for the greater good?
The bottom line is that Charlie Crist is very quick to throw people under the bus, if it serves his purpose. He’s flying around the state on private jets, while some of you don’t even have cars, or at the very least, money for gas.
As Governor, he will have people throwing money at HIM.
Now I have listed things Charlie has said on this site before, because it seems as though people have forgotten what has come out of his mouth.
Charlie Crist wants to re-write history. His supporters want to re-write history.
Well HIS story can’t be re-written. It is the tale of the ultimate slickster, the consummate politician, the man who has no core values or principles.
It is the tale of Charlie Crist.
Leslie Wimes
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Once again, the talented and tenacious, Leslie Wimes hits the nail on the head. Be proud you don’t have the blinders on like so many so called Democrats. Keep charging on, and using your God given VOICE to tell the truth!
Great piece and excellent points. Sharing in hopes to get more Dems off the Crist bandwagon.
Ever heard of Ed Schultz? Or “Republicans for Obama”? To say that a person cannot evolve is silly. You should look up Ed’s story regarding his transition from a hard core right winger to the progressive he is now. My own mother didn’t support LGBT rights until a few years ago-and she is nearly 60 years old. This argument is tired and hardly original. Besides, a person whose views have evolved is preferable by far to the anti-everyone who isn’t a millionaire Caucasian male Governor have now.