Florida Democratic Party Political Director, Christian Ulvert has been kicked to the curb, but is he solely to blame for the Titanic-sized tragedy that was the mid-term election?
Of course not!
To be fair, Ulvert should not be the only head on the chopping block.
Chairwoman Allison Tant should have been the first head to roll, afterall, it was under HER leadership that the Florida Democratic Party was sent into absolute oblivion And irrelevancy!
Shouldn’t she be held responsible?
Getting rid of Ulvert wont erase the stench that still remains as a result of some seriously bad decisions.
In order to start the rebuilding process for Florida Democrats, there must be new leadership.
We need new direction.
We have been wandering in the desert for the last 20 years, and I, for one, am ready for the promised land. I also know that the current FDP leadership just ain’t gonna cut it.
I was told that major donors were calling for the removal of Tant and Ulvert.
While I agree with that line of thinking, it should be the grassroots Democrats calling for radical change!
Money is what got us into this Crist mess. It was thought that because Crist could raise money, the party should walk to the beat of the Crist drum.
That didn’t work out so well, did it?
The FDP needs to go back to listening to its base.
I’ve already made it known how I felt about the treatment of Nan Rich, a lifelong Democrat. No need to go into that any further.
That milk is spilled, and Im not going to cry over it any further.
In fact, I’m not going to cry anymore. No one should.
It’s time to get to work. We have to get to the drawing board and decide how to put this fiasco behind us and look towards the future.
That future has to include new party leadership.
Im not saying wipe out everyone on Bronough Street, that would be nuts.
There are still people in the FDP that can tighten this ship!
Alan Clendenin comes to mind. There are those who think he should have been party Chair to begin with, and would have been had Debbie Wasserman-Schultz not stuck her nose in things.
It is time to stop with the back room deals, bring some transparency to party dealings, and stop trying to persecute those who are willing to speak up and speak out.
We owe ourselves THAT much, don’t we?
It is time to be the Democrats we know we can be!
It is time to give our base a reason to fight. It is only when we are included that we have a vested interest.
Leslie Wimes
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How long will the Florida Democratic Party continue this “self sabotaging?” They need to take a long look in the mirror and realize that their base is staring back at them too.
Making Christian the “goat” for this debacle is not fair but it does underscore the need for the FDP to clean house of all Party officers and staff who scuttled Alan Clendenin efforts to be Chair of the FDP and Nan Rich’s efforts to be the next Governor of our state, It is time that the local DECs stand up and regain their standing as the Party’s keepers,
I agree whole heartedly! I don’t think Ulvert should be the sole fall guy for what happened.
You need to check your sources and get real facts prior to writing a post/blog. Christian is still and will remain the Political Director.
Lmao! You do realize that once you post on my site, I get your IP address, and therefore I can locate you, don’t you Peter Schorsch? Lmao! It’s really burning you up that someone told ME that Ulvert was out before they told YOU!
I have been around the Democratic Party long enough to know the routine. We win, we congratulate ourselves, we lose we blame the Democratic Party Leadership.
I believe now is the time is to look at what worked, what did not work and, based on findings develop a plan of action. The blame game is not going to achieve anything other than create division.
And yes, according to my FDP source, Christian is still and will remain the Political Director.
It seems everyone has an FDP source. I guess we shall see.