Make no mistake about it. Charlie Crist was, is, and forever will be, a Republican. The only reason he has put on a Democratic hat is because he couldn’t win the US Senate seat he wanted as a Republican or Independent. If, as Charlie Crist wants us to believe, he has found his home as a Democrat, there would have been no need to become an Independent. Crist became an Independent because he wanted that US Senate seat, and he was arrogant enough to think he would take it, no matter the party. What Charlie Crist loves more than a political party is a position of power, and he is willing to do anything to get it.
Whether it is trading Judgeships for campaign cash, throwing friends under the bus, or switching parties to achieve that power he craves, he WILL and HAS done it.
Whether you believe what Jim Greer says in his book or not, you have to admit that Charlie Crist has taken whatever form he needs to take in order to get what he wants. Speaking of Jim Greer’s book, if there isn’t a lick of truth in it, why doesn’t Charlie Crist sue? Libel anyone? Saying that Greer is a sad, desperate man doesn’t cut it with me. Saying that he “trusted too much” doesn’t cut it with me. Charlie Crist is too much of a seasoned politician to have the wool pulled over his eyes. I believe at least 90% of what Jim Greer has said. If it were not for the fact that other Republicans have something to lose, I’m quite sure Jim Greer wouldn’t be the only one bringing Crist’s skeletons out of the closet.
In shoving Crist down Florida’s collective Democratic throats, the party leaders as well as Crist are saying they don’t care what Florida Democrats think, they don’t care that this is a man who has stood against everything Democrats believe in. They figure the hatred for Rick Scott will keep everyone quiet, and the majority of the Democrats in Florida will go along to get along. Charlie Crist should be made to defend his past, his present, and his future, in order to secure Democratic votes. The party leaders as well as Crist think they can shut us up.
This Democrat won’t do it. I will not stand by and watch our party be sold out to an ambitious, opportunistic, power freak, who thinks so little of the African-American Community, that he feels opening an office in Liberty City that only has ONE desk in it, or sending out an email that depicts a Black woman in African garb will sway Black voters.
Sorry Charlie. You can’t pimp out the African-American community that way.
Charlie Crist, nor anyone else for that matter, has done anything to earn the vote of the Black Community. They don’t feel they have to. We need to show them that they are wrong.
We can’t be like Equality Florida, and rush into embracing a man who has gone out of his way for the majority of his political career to keep us oppressed.
We can’t look the other way. We have to demand our respect, and demand our place at the table.
The scraps being thrown towards the African-American Community are unacceptable.
I’m glad Bishop Curry and the Nation Action Network have forced Crist to appear at their event on June 30th. What I’m hoping is that they don’t allow him to dictate the terms and conditions. We have to stop letting everyone else think they are in control of our vote, and that they don’t have to do anything to get it.
Do you see the way Rick Scott and Charlie Crist are tripping over each other to get the Hispanic vote? We have to flex our collective muscle as well.
It is the only way we will ensure that our communities reap the benefit of our votes!
Leslie Wimes
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Why hasn’t Senator Rich opened a campaign office in Liberty City (or another place with a significant African-American population)? Her only office is in Weston, a city where less than 5% of the population is African-American.
For the same reasons more African-Americans don’t run for office. M-O-N-E-Y and lack of support from party leaders. Remember Manuel Sykes and what was done to him? Nan relates to the African-American Community far more than Charlie Crist. He flies around in private planes. She’s driving the state.
If money is an issue, having her headquarters in Liberty City would have been more cost-effective than in lilly-white Weston. But she chose Weston. What message does that send to African-Americans?
The message that it sends to THIS African-american is that Weston is her home. What does it say to you?
Charlie opened a skeleton office in Liberty City for the same reason he opened one in Broward County. It’s called smoke and mirrors, Most of his supporters are paid.
This is worth reposting. Nan Rich is trending up. The past Governor and the present Governor are tied with a 48% unfavorability rating.
As of today, i will be referring to Charlie Crist as THE GREAT PANDERER.I always knew he was a panderer. In fact he admits it himself when he writes in his book that he only did this or that to please the Republicans. He did it as an independent and he constantly does it as an alleged Democrat. At the Black Broadcasters Forum on Monday night Nan Rich was pointedly asked what are you going to do to help the Black Community. Instead of pandering and writing checks that the people can’t cash. She talked about real solutions like education. She got fired up and talked about the importance of Universal Childhood education an funding public schools. THE GREAT PANDERER talked about himself and President Barack Obama. Who he has been pandering to ever since he realize that he could use his hug to ingratiate himself to Democrat. Charlie, The Party is Truly Over.
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