Let’s inject more reality into this Florida Governor’s race. Charlie Crist is yelling at the top of his lungs that he is the only one who can beat Rick Scott. Let’s say for a moment that’s true. Let’s say he beats Rick Scott. Exactly what do you think is going to happen?
Florida’s Republican-controlled legislature HATES this man. They literally hate this flip-flopping, party-hopping, opportunist of a man. Do you think they will be cooperative in anything he wants to get done? You think you see obstructionists on Capitol Hill. You haven’t seen anything until you see what Florida’s Republicans will do to Charlie Crist.
For those of us who would like to see Medicaid expanded. That will never happen in a second Charlie Crist administration. The legislature would have to pass that, in order for Crist to sign it, and that just won’t happen. think about it for a moment. Rick Scott did a total 180 degree turn on Medicaid Expansion and said that he was for it, at least for three years, and yet we still don’t have it.
Again, Republicans hate Charlie Crist.
Have you ever had that one person that you hated so much, that you wouldn’t even spit on him if he were on fire because it might put the fire out? Something tells me that’s how most Republicans, and some Democrats and Independents for that matter, feel about Charlie Crist.
No matter your politics or beliefs, people just don’t like opportunistic traitors.
As the late, great Dr. Maya Angelou put it, when people show you who they are, believe them!
Charlie Crist has shown that he will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get what he wants.
Why some Democrats are willing to put all their eggs in that basket is beyond me.
Remember the fable about the scorpion and the frog?
Brief synopsis:
A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung during the trip, but the scorpion argues that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog agrees and begins carrying the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature. The fable is used to illustrate the position that the natural behavior of some creatures is inevitable, no matter how they are treated. It is also used to illustrate that individuals are apt to behave in accordance with their true character in spite of the education they might have received throughout their lives and in spite of knowing fully well the right course of action.
Charlie Crist can change his party, change his rhetoric, change his tune.
What he can’t change, though, is who he is.
When he stings the Democratic Party, and he will, don’t act surprised.
Leslie Wimes
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What can I say Leslie? You always strike the nail right on the head.