Those search words seem to be leading a lot of people to an article I wrote regarding comments Muriel Bowser made about DC Black women during a debate leading up to the Primary election, in which Bowser prevailed over Mayor Vince Gray. More and more people seem to be landing on my website while trying to find out about Muriel Bowser’s sexuality. The terms ranged from “Is Muriel Bowser Gay”, to “Muriel Bowser’s girlfriend”. I find it quite strange that of all the things that can be searched for, Bowser’s sexuality is what is causing people to search for her. Enough people have searched these terms to catch my eye.
The question I have is: So what if she is? Would it really make a difference?
Muriel Bowser is now the Democratic nominee for Mayor of DC. She will be running against David Catania, a Republican-turned Independent, who is openly gay. Bowser has started trying to make change for D.C. already. She recently introduced legislation that would make it a misdemeanor to intentionally distribute sexually explicit images or video without consent, which is more colloquially known as “revenge porn.”
Revenge porn is the kind of abhorrent behavior on the internet that we must do all we can to stop, Bowser said in a release. Protecting our residents from serious harm and maintaining their privacy on the web is an important priority of mine.”
The Relationship Privacy Protection act would make the misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $2,500 for “distributing revenge porn with the intent to cause serious emotional distress.” The bill would also make it a felony punishable up to five years in prison and a fine up to $12,500 for third parties that knowingly distribute.
Perhaps because of that legislation, people have become more interested in her personal life. Here is a little background on Bowser.
Bowser attended Elizabeth Seton, an all-girls high school in Bladensburg, Md. She also attended Chatham College, a small, womens liberal arts school in Pittsburgh.
Bowser lives alone in a home in Riggs Park that she bought 13 years ago for $125,000. Professional, single Black Women have taken heat over the last few years, with studies being done on why this group of women aren’t married. Take a look at this article that came out in 2009, Marriage eludes high-achieving Black Women.
In an interview, Bowser said that she is not in a relationship.
I would love to get married, she said. Im waiting for the right, perfect guy to show his face. Who wants to deal with being followed by The Washington Post? Do you know anybody?
Now while I don’t think that is sound reasoning behind not dating/getting married, why is that even a concern. If I were Bowser, I just would have simply said I haven’t found the right person yet, end of story. I don’t think there is a need to go any further.
Clearly, though, by the amount of people hitting my site searching Muriel Bowser’s sexuality, it is something that is important to some people in Washington, D.C. Every search using those types of terms have come from Washington, D.C. area.
Is that an issue there? D.C. seems to be one of THE most progressive places in this country. Would it really make a difference if Bowser were actually gay? Given the fact that David Catania has pretty good support there, I’m guessing it wouldn’t.
What’s the worst thing that could happen, D.C.? You would definitely end up with a Mayor who is gay, and I don’t particularly think that is a bad thing.
It would be a great coup for the LGBT Community!
Leslie Wimes
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Council member Muriel Bowser is the better candidate to become the next Mayor. As a life long resident, she has the vision for changes as it relates to the citizens’ preferences and needs. She shares their interest given the negative preception and as Mayor, she would move toward improving their communities.
I sure hope not. I saw her on a news soundbite just a few days ago and remarked, “who is she??”
Ms. Mayor. I’ve given this a lot of consideration.
Please understand that I am a fair man who paces the interest of the city before my very own.
If there is chance that your sexual preference is undetermined, confusing or questionable, I am available day or night for the position of mayoral troubleshooter.
After 96 hours of extensive, repetitive, tests, fielding questions regarding sexual preference will have no relevance.
Willing to serve as best as I can.
The Concerned Citizen
BTW- Did I mention I think she’s pretty hot?
I think she is Gay. She’s never seen in public with a man. At her inauguration, she was man less! !!!!!#hmmmmmmm
To answer your question, is the only reason it would matter to me is she is gay and not out, and I don’t mean shouting from the rooftops out, but out to the people who know her. I know gay people who work for her and have gotten, I don’t know, to no. Then again when I had a gay boss I just preferred, like I do most people not to think about his sex life. So my meandering let me to I don’t really have a legitimate reason to be asking.
I was curious about Muriel Bowser’s preference becuase I find it rather strange that a woman that looks like she does and who is rather smart has not been accounted for by either male or female.
I think our time and energy should be on supporting Mayor Bowser, she jas a right to keep jer private life private, I would like to get to know her for myslf personally, I would never tell if she told me she was gay, straight and or bisexual, support is what makes growing and moving forward, that’s what matters being your best and making other people better in the words of Earth Wind and Fire It’s all about love, LOL, call me MB.
My gaydar says yes the Mayor is gay, but who cares, she is so sexy, I like mysterious women, I am mysterious myself, know one should know all of your business anyway. I want her to succeedd that’s all that matters, she has very ambitious agenda, intelligence, sexy and brains sounds like a recipe for success, you better work it.
My gaydar that I bought from amazon says The Mayor is straight up gay, you can see it when you meet her from one sexy gay chick to another she likes the ladies, Iblove rhe ladies myself, yum yum yum
I think the Mayor is gay which is cool, I recently attteded an event at the Wilson Building to celebrate the opening of the African American Museusm, I have volunteered and people have said things like everyone was told don’t talk about are discuss the Mayor’s personal life, all the things that point to her being gay, she has a sexiness about her, she still seems like she is uncomfortable being a public figure, I think she has had to adjust with meeting people and taking pictures, but its all apart of the game, people want to know who you spend your quality and downtime with, the guy she went to an event with at the white house, I personally think they are just friends and he is a beard, girl call me so we can go out on a date, I am very discrete Madam Mayor, from one sexy woman to another, call me if you need someone to talk to, call me satisfaction guaranteed
Is Mayor Bowser dating the DC Director of Film Angie Gates, someone needs to ask her so Latoya Foster can stops saying the Mayor’s private life will be private when everyone in the Wilson Building especially her so called close knit staff are the main people who talk about her and know that she is gay
Who cares about her sexual orientation? It is none of your business. She has not found or care to find a mate she cares to share with the world. One would think you would be supporting a mayor trying to move DC forward in a positive manner as she is.
This a nice opportunity for me to learn a little bit more about the person we voted for. Sometimes a persons sexual orientation does carry over in one’s job. If some none in government gets a statement from another coworker, that a resident does not like or agree with the gay life style, then some think your a prune or to religious, or to right wing. Some workers in DC government try to make the constitute life hard. Well, boy oh boy, do we have something to share with the Mayor of Washington DC, please feel free Mayor Muriel Bowser to contact the Stallans family concerning a great mis justice in conduct and service to a DC resident. We have even called on ward 4 council member Mr. Brandon Todd, however to no avail. This is a issue for the Mayor’s office to handle, DID is a total mass, we need services, notices, and respect and proper conduct restored back in DC government. It’s going on 60 days of no services. PLEASE contact the Stallans family, this is a emergency at this point, putting undue stress on my family, and family members thank you. The contact number for this family is (202)425-3682, Thank you; the Stallans family. Personal Statement, we where to stressed out on this past Friday to send out this email, so we are doing it now, and also Mr. David Ross needs to stop using his position on his job as a way to harass me. He has a problem with me, he can’t even make sure that the welfare to work program is safe and he thinks he is going to continue to involve himself in my personal business each time my family or I apply for services, this has to stop, is he obsessed with harassing me. I don’t trust anyone that has screamed at me the way he has done in the past, and just this Friday, on February 3, 2017 he had the nerve to do it again and tried to over talk me. He really has nothing to do with my son’s case, and I told him this, but ever time I turn around he is creeping up in either my business and now he thinks he is going to continue this form of harassment on my family member well think again. I told him to give this case to the management department of DHS and he has not done so. I even had to ask, Mr. David Ross who is responsible for making sure they understand that I want a apology letter created for this delay in services and miss conduct. That it must be well noted that the thought process for the letter came from me, Ms. E. Staans, the People that work for this DC government agency of DHS have no professional conduct, just look at this total misconduct in what is suppose to be service, and my son and I have been stressed out by this, and by Mr. David Ross, he is very disrespectful at times, he needs to take care of his own business that he is assigned under or maybe I should say over, and see how many people get quality jobs under his programs. Thank you for your attention in this most important matter and matters.