First, let me say that the spelling errors that were in the book that others have talked about weren’t significant to me. I focused on the story that was being told, rather than being the Grammar Police.
That being said, let’s get started.
Once I started reading the book, I couldn’t put it down. I do not think for one minute that what Jim Greer says happened during his tenure as Chairman of The Republican Party Of Florida doesn’t happen in The Democratic Party as well. We have to realize that typically, the two major parties are up to the exact same shenanigans. Corruption, lying, and back-stabbing aren’t limited to just one party. Politics in general is rife with scandal due in part because it is full of money, power, and sex. Where you have those things, scandal isn’t far behind.
1. I believe Jim Greer’s story. There is absolutely no way someone is going to admit to being a blind fool for Charlie Crist, unless it is true. I think Jim Greer was so grateful to Crist for bringing him through the political ranks the way that he did, Greer felt he owed everything he had to him. I think Charlie Crist used that loyalty the way he uses everything and everyone else, to his advantage. The book didn’t change my feelings about Crist. I still think he is an opportunist who has no allegiance to anyone but himself. It does make me question, however, whether Crist has a personality disorder. I seriously don’t think he can help himself. To a certain degree, he reminds me of Elliot Rodger, the psychopath who thought he was owed something and thought he was better than everyone else. That doesn’t mean that I think Crist will go on a murderous rampage, but I do think that he believes he is entitled to have whatever he wants, and will go to any lengths to get it, including throwing people he considers friends under the bus. That doesn’t excuse Jim Greer by any means. He put Crist before everyone, including his family and himself. That isn’t normal either. That isn’t to say that he deserved what happened to him, however he knew what he was dealing with when it came to Charlie Crist. I think what he didn’t realize is that Crist would treat him the same way he treated everyone else. As long as he had use for you, you were around. Once he had no use for you, you were somewhere pounding sand. That included The Republican Party Of Florida. Crist was instrumental in driving that party to the brink long before he started losing ground to Marco Rubio. He was smart enough to get others to do his bidding so that there was no paper trail that led to him. Why the Democratic Party Of Florida is so quick to allow this fox in the hen house is beyond me. He has already caused a division within the party that is serious, and could cost Democrats yet another Governor’s race. Based on what Greer says, Crist has zero loyalty to anyone. I truly believe that George Lemieux put out a lot of fires for Crist, ranging from gay sex to the possibility of an out of wedlock child. It allegedly got him a temporary Senate seat!
2. The relationship Greer describes between Crist’s wife’s kids and Crist is disturbing. The sure sign of a narcissist is that they have to be the center of attention at all times. Allegedly making a parent choose between you and their kids is insane. Not choosing your kids is even crazier. I won’t delve too far into that, but suffice it to say that I was shocked. Carole Crist’s attempts to bring Crist closer to the left are admirable. According to the book, Carole was instrumental in “The Hug”. She convinced Crist to go to President Obama’s rally.
3. If Charlie Crist was indeed the target of the Republican’s wrath, why take the coward’s way out and go after Greer? That was a punk move in my opinion. Yes Crist lost the US Senate race and was run out of the Republican Party, but damn, did you have to run him over to us?
4. Harry Sargeant really stood out for me. Not what was IN the book, but what wasn’t in the book. Greer had something to say pretty much about everyone except Sargeant. This man was the party Finance Chair, who made headlines himself, and yet Greer really says nothing at all about it in this book. That leads me to wonder if there is some sort of arrangement between the two of them, possibly financial. If there is, I can’t really say that I would look at that unfavorably. Greer was run through the wringer, and if someone is willing to help him get back on his feet, that’s a good thing. The affidavit that Sargeant did attesting to the lies Charlie Crist told, even though Crist and Sargeant are friends, leads me to believe that Greer is telling the truth.
5. Bill McCollum went above and beyond to stick it to Greer, and still wasn’t the party nominee. Karma.
6. The way Charlie Crist treated Marco Rubio and his campaign is EXACTLY how he is treating Nan Rich. It is eerie the similarities between both situations. Greer says in his book that Crist was never really prepared to debate Rubio or talk about any type of policy. All he wanted to talk about were stories about his family, that eventually became old and tired. He isn’t debating Nan Rich because she would wipe the floor with him policy wise. No one will be trying to hear about his Grandfather and all the other stories he told to deflect the fact that he really wasn’t knowledgeable. In fact, I have had someone in the legislature tell me that Crist knows nothing about policy, so what he did was surround himself with people who did, such as George Lemieux. Again Democratic Party, you really want this???
7. Since Crist was so quick to take text messages and the like from Jim Greer to the FDLE and proclaim that he is being threatened, when in fact it wasn’t a threat, why isn’t he suing for libel, slander, defamation of character, or SOMETHING? If there was no truth to what Greer says, there are things Crist can do about it, yet he has done nothing. His declaration that Greer is a sad, desperate man doesn’t cut it with me, and shouldn’t cut it with members of the Democratic Party in Florida. In fact, I would say Crist is the sad, desperate one. At the end of the day, no matter who he surrounds himself with, he is still alone. Why? Because the only way he feels he can be respected is to be in positions of power. He needs to have people trying to get his attention and “kissing his ring” so to speak, to feel good about himself. He no more wants to be Governor of Florida than I do. What he misses is the attention and people kissing his backside. I think the part of the book where the people on Fisher Island didn’t really want him around or give a rat’s crack that he was the Governor was very telling. I think the fact that he didn’t want to divide the attention of his wife with her children was very telling.
8. Delmar Johnson you belong in jail, however I hear your arteries hardening all the way in Palm Beach County, so Karma will get to you as well. There was far more evidence of Delmar Johnson stealing money, and yet he got off “Scott-Free”, pun intended.
I suggest you get The Chairman: The Rise and Betrayal of Jim Greer
and read it. My opinion is, after all, only my opinion.
Judge for yourself whether you think Jim Greer is telling the truth.
I certainly do.
And if Greer seems bitter, don’t you think he has every right to be?
Leslie Wimes
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This is what a review should be, IMHO. Great job Leslie.
Excellent review of The Chairman. You really got it!
Thank you for the review. I am one of the persons highlighted in the book. I ran against Jim my Freshman year. A couple of quick notes for you. First, I was there. Second you are spot on when you said both parties are busy doing things other than what they were meant to do. I am certain though that there are people in both partys that are there for the right reason. at the top of both – a third party has formed – Called the PROGRESSIVES.
Back to Jim. Jim was as dirty as the day was long – we drove him from his office because f his corruption. He took Charlie with him. Jim is not the victim. Jim is a crook and was good at it. In short – the book is a farce and a face saving attempt and money grab for Jim. – same story – different day.
I certainly would like to speak with you about it. Are you available?