Last night the South Florida Chapter of the National Action Network held a Candidates’ Forum so that Nan Rich and Charlie Crist could speak to the Black Community about their positions and views. While it wasn’t the debate that the majority of Democrats in Florida want, it was as probably as close as the two candidates are ever going to come, given the fact that Charlie Crist clearly can’t debate Nan Rich on the issues. Last night was a great example of that fact.
Nan Rich appeared first on stage. Panelists from the Black Media asked the questions. I was disappointed with that, because I was really ready to ask questions that the panelists didn’t ask, but the people want to know.
Nan Rich showed her Democratic credentials in a big way. She touted the bills she pushed for, the bills she pushed to kill, but most importantly, she talked about education being the key to helping not just the Black Community, but all communities, looking to improve socio-economic status.
Nan Rich hit the ball out of the park. One of the major components of getting out of poverty, of staying out of jail, of not being left behind or stepped on, is EDUCATION.
Education has to start early. If it begins in Kindergarten, then you are already behind.
Nan Rich’s answers, and the way she addressed the crowd, clearly showed how she differs from Charlie Crist.
After speaking to several people after the event was over, it was clear that Nan Rich won over many that were there. One woman said she didn’t know who Rich was prior to the forum, but after hearing what Rich had to say, she would definitely be voting for her. She felt that Rich’s answers were direct and was what the community needed. She rightly pointed out that if the Black Community is ever going to be able to pull itself up and out of the turmoil it is currently in, it has to be done with hard work, solid changes, and more education. The things Nan Rich pointed out to the crowd.
After Crist’s campaign people placed his trusty fan on the stage, Crist hit the stage to win over the crowd.
We didn’t get the same concise answers that we got from Nan Rich.
We got President Barack Obama.
If Charlie Crist invoked Barack Obama’s name once, he invoked it 20 times.
Rep. Alcee Hastings said it best last night. When your water is off, you don’t call Barack Obama. When you are stuck on I-95, you don’t call Barack Obama. When you lose your job, you don’t call Barack Obama.
Someone needs to let Charlie Crist in on that fact.
We wanted answers to questions that will directly affect us. He wanted the appreciation, and votes, that the Black Community has given to Barack Obama.
Invoking his name has become almost an insult to the intelligence of Black people. Does Crist really think simply mentioning the name “Barack Obama” is going to immediately give him the same support?
Black people are more intelligent than that. We supported Barack Obama. That doesn’t mean you get the same support, Charlie Crist, just because you invoke his name and talk about hugging him.
You hugged Scott Rothstein. You hugged Lou Pearlman. You hugged John McCain.
Get it now?
We want action. We don’t want smoke and mirrors. We have had that for too long, and now it’s time to put up or shut up.
Charlie Crist’s performance reminded me of excerpts from Jim Greer’s book. Greer pointed out that when Charlie can’t answer a question, he comes up with stories to deflect attention away from his non-answers. He did that last night.
“My wife said to call a thing a thing”
If your wife is that involved in this political quest, why isn’t she showing her tax returns?
One of the highlights of last nights’s forum was when one of the panelists asked about Charlie Crist’s record in comparison to his opponent’s record. When Crist started talking about Rick Scott, the panelist rightly told him that Rick Scott isn’t currently his opponent. Nan rich is, and the panelist asked that Crist compare his record to Nan Rich’s.
Crist could not really say what he did, other than appointing Justice Perry, while failing to mention that he appointed Justices Polston and Canady as well. Getting felons’ rights automatically restored, which was not the truth. What Crist did was make it so felons could go before a board to determine if rights should be restored, and that was about it. Other than that, he talked about Republicans and how they hate Barack Obama.
I’m going to make a prediction here and now.
If Charlie Crist is the Democratic nominee, he is going to lose.
His schtick is old, tired, and redundant. He has nothing new in his arsenal.
If we ever needed any proof that Charlie Crist is the still the same person he was when Republican was after his name, we got it last night. In fact, Charlie Crist said last night that it didn’t matter what letter was after his name. He is still the same old Charlie.
The same old tired, opportunistic, empty Charlie.
Leslie Wimes
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Thank you Leslie, for being vigilant and not being afraid to speak your truth.
Who is behind this?
“If Charlie Crist is the Democratic nominee, he is going to lose.” <—- Truth!
Rick Scott will make mincemeat of Crist in a debate and won't let Crist get away with his inane commentary to deflect answering questions that are above his knowledge and intellect.
Great article & coverage here. Why does he need a fan? Wasn’t the church air conditioned. “A Thing A thing”? Same as Nan? no way Jose. I agree. He will lose if nominated. I hope FL voters get out there 8/26 & vote for Nan Rich or the rape & pillage of Florida & Floridians going on since Jeb Bush was elected will continue.
If that church had a/c is Crist on drugs like cocaine that will make you hot, or alcohol? He looks thin so I wouldn’t think he’d need a fan. I sure don’t see Senator Rich with a fan. I guess he is quite fragile, mentally & physically perhaps.
Thanks for a hard hitting column on Florida’s biggest flip flopper Charlie Crist. Aligning himself with President Obama is a hoot. He was one of the major speakers at the 2008 GOP Presidential Nomination Convention, and a finalist in McCain’s running mate deliberations. Schmuck is just a starting point to describe Charlie. But even if he gets defeated by Nan Rich or runs as a Cristocrat (ie Independent) before Rich disposes of him, he will still be there until November.
Hahaha… These big pocket Democrats are beginning to see that this race is not over. Charlie isn’t the shoe-end everyone thought he was. Nan Rich will pull off an upset!!