Rick Scott(R), the incumbent Governor, Nan Rich(D), and Adrian Wyllie(L), should debate.
We have been making a lot of noise concerning Charlie Crist’s refusal to debate Nan Rich prior to the Democratic Primary. We know why he won’t debate her. First and foremost, he is a coward. Charlie “the cowardly liar” Crist. A knock off from The Wizard of Oz. Second, he knows in a Democratic Primary, he has to appeal to the Democratic base principles, and he can’t/won’t do that. He is counting on the sheer desperation of the Florida Democratic Party Leaders to shield him from having to do so. So far, he has been correct. The leaders haven’t lifted a finger. Even seeing the results of a poll that says 73% of Democrats think Crist should debate Rich has fallen on deaf ears of Party Leaders.
They have adopted the same mantra that Crist used in 2010 against Marco Rubio, which was: He can’t win. Well, he kicked Charlie Crist’s butt, didn’t he? People want to blame Kendrick Meek for Marco Rubio, but Rubio beat Crist in the Republican primary, not Meek.
Let’s talk about the people of Florida, after all, this is supposed to be about us.
The people deserve to hear from those who want to become Governor. The Democratic process should play out the way it always has. That being said, why not have a debate between the three parties who aren’t too cowardly to debate principles they say they believe in?
Nan Rich, Rick Scott, and Adrian Wyllie.
We can do that. We can listen to the three of them and decide in what direction we want our state to go.
We have to stop allowing an interloper, Charlie Crist, to change and divide the Democratic Party. We have to stop allowing this same interloper to dictate what happens in the Democratic Party. We have to realize that the power of this party does not lie in the leaders, but in the PEOPLE!
We have to stop allowing our party to bully people out of races.
These leaders would be nothing without us, without our votes.
If they are unwilling to listen, then it is time to take matters into our own hands. I have already made it clear that I will not vote Charlie Crist. Enough Democrats have already said the same, which will make it nearly impossible for Crist to win in November, should he become the nominee.
Crist has already said he doesn’t care, and why should he? This man has a sickness. In a May 1, 2014 letter to the editor, Al Hoffman, a mega donor who Charlie Crist slinked to to get support, said Crist was “the most ethically devoid person ever”.
Just because I don’t agree with Republicans on a lot of issues does not mean I don’t agree with them on this one. Charlie Crist is a “man” who would say and do just about anything to get what he wants.
He will use anyone’s money as well. In the letter to the editor by Hoffman:
Charlie Crist also personally approved jet charters to places like Las Vegas to pull in and spend all that federally collected money for his Senate race. When I finally separated myself from him and his campaign I demanded my money be returned and soon after I did receive it. However, when thousands of donors asked Charlie to return the money they had given him, he refused, keeping the money for his own personal use.
Rick Scott would be well within his rights to NEVER debate Charlie Crist, and I hope that is what he does. Crist has set the precedent. If you don’t want to debate, you don’t have to.
What Rick Scott should do is have just one debate, and that debate should occur now. He should say that he will debate the other candidates NOW, not later. Crist has already said he will not appear on the same stage as Nan Rich, so let him sit it out. It would serve him right.
Come on, Rick Scott, debate Nan and Adrian now.
Let Charlie the cowardly liar sit on the sidelines!
Leslie Wimes
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Great idea.
POLL: Florida Governor 2014
Folks, it all comes down to recognition. We need to spread the word about Adrian Wyllie in order for him to win. I am very much behind the “super brochure” plan, so much so, that I personally have completely covered my entire precinct where I live. I think it’s the most affective and economical way to bring the super voters, attention to Adrian Wyllie. Most don’t even know there is another choice other than scott/christ. It only cost me $47.50 to cover my precinct. I urge others to do the same. If you want him elected, you must do something to make it happen. Just your one vote will not do it. Take advantage of this great opportunity we have to get a Libertarian in the Governor’s office. We (Floridians) desperately need this. I beg you to do what you can.