You can’t make this stuff up folks. You just can’t.
First, what is up with the mass exodus of Black folks on Bronough street? After Allison Tant paraded said Black folks in front of people to show that she really isn’t the racist that “Leslie Wimes says she is”, those people are high-tailing it out of there!!
Kristin Broner…..GONE!
Courtney Hodges….GONE!
Hell I heard even other folks are beating feet! Myra Macias….GONE!
Word on the the street is that Jeff Branch has one foot out the door and the other is on the proverbial banana peel. He is sliding his way out of the door too!!
My VERY RELIABLE source tells me that Phil Thompson, the Deputy Executive Director, doesn’t want to deal with “Black issues”. LMAO!! I guess I shouldn’t laugh at all of this.
My question is, why isn’t Phil Thompson moving on up like George and Weezie?
Has any African American EVER held a substantial leadership position in the Florida Democratic Party?
One. Leonard Joseph. He served under Karen Thurman.
If the word on the street is true, and Scott Arceneaux is on his way out, the logical person to succeed him would be Phil Thompson, one would think, right?
Over Allison Tant’s dead body!!
Why is Scott Arcenaux leaving first of all? Earlier in the year, it was thought that he was joining the Hillary Campaign, which would have been a huge mistake on Hillary’s part.
Second, is there not going to be an open process for the position? Is no one else going to have the opportunity to apply for the job? What exactly is the hiring process for this particular position? Is it at the whim of Allison Tant? Did anyone else apply? Is is just going to be handed to Ashley Walker?
I’m told that she has already been informing others that the job is hers.
I’d really like to know.
At a time when whoever the Democratic Presidential nominee is, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, JOE BIDEN, and Florida is going to play a very important role, The FDP is causing such a rift between it and the Black Community, even Barack Obama can’t repair it.
When I was told that Phil Thompson didn’t want to deal with “Black issues”, I figured he fit right in with the rest of the people at the FDP.
My advice to the Black Community is this:
Knowing that the Florida Democratic Party does not want to deal with our issues, and it is abundantly clear that they do not, they never speak out on anything really pertaining to us, we should focus on OUR issues, ourselves.
We should focus on our issues and make them our priority. We should no longer get sucked into toeing the party line, and allowing what is important to our community to be thrown to the wayside in order to support the agenda of a party that does not appreciate us, that does not care about our issues, that does not respect what we bring to the table.
Our votes have been taken for granted long enough.
Remember this:
They can’t win elections without us.
It is time that we put our considerable political power, and we DO have considerable political power, into action.
Stop asking, and start demanding, what it is that WE want within our own Democratic party.
And that is Fairness in process, and to be treated as equals.
*To be fair, I corrected the post to add that Leonard Joseph, an African American, served under Karen Thurman.
Leslie Wimes
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Awesome as usual Leslie. WE MUST AS A PEOPLE begin to stand together and do what we do 4 ourselves. Keep up the good fight. So glad you speak and write the truth about Hillary Clinton her husband started throwing the keys away on our youth. Enough is enough.