Everyone has heard the term “Angry Black Woman”. It is a stereotype that has plagued Black women for a very, very longtime.
Well….move over Black Woman, there is a new angry woman in town and she is White. Her name is Angela Corey and she is MAD!! How mad, you may ask? Mad enough to send an email with attachments to Florida legislators detailing a high-profile case that is coming up for trial. Marissa Alexander. Marissa Alexander, who was convicted for firing a warning shot into the air. Remember my article about Angela Corey having a thing for Marissa Alexander? Read about it here.
Angela Corey, a seasoned prosecutor, sent legislators her version of the Marissa Alexander case via email, because state legislators were debating legislation that would grant immunity for those who fired a warning shot to deter would-be aggressors. She conveniently left out a few facts, as well.
Angela Corey is losing it, and losing it fast. She is already pissed that the Appellate Court overturned the conviction. Now she is pissed that Marissa Alexander may benefit from pending legislation, and she just can’t have that! Angela Corey, in her present position, is dangerous and a menace to society. She needs to be removed. I’m not the only one who thinks so. The National Organization for Women has called for Corey’s resignation. Read here.
According to First Coast News:
In the body of the email, an employee of the state attorney’s office says Corey wanted lawmakers from Northeast Florida to have information on the Marissa Alexander case should they be questioned about it. Lawmakers are considering a warning shot bill, inspired by Alexander’s case, that would expand the Stand Your Ground law to include people who fire warning shots.
Corey’s office says in the attachment to lawmakers that Alexander didn’t fire a warning shot, that she was firing at her husband and two step-children. Alexander will be retried on the assault charges this summer.
Angela Corey has made this case about her ego, and not about justice. She is determined to take Marissa Alexander down at all costs, including possibly tainting juries and influencing legislation.
My question remains: What does Angela Corey have against Marissa Alexander? I do have an additional question now: Why is Angela Corey still in office?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Leslie Wimes
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Ignore one of those ‘either’s please. 🙂
I do NOT like ms. corey AT ALL, and i do not care who she emails or why, as long as it’s not me. I think the facts of the case are most important, and am saddened that those who idolize Marissa and put her on a pedestal (hopefully not you) ignore and distort those facts, primarily for political purposes (my opinion only) and not because they really care about her.
Btw, thanks for writing about something other than Nan Rich, who seems awesome in every way but I agree with the Ft. Lauderdale guy you lambasted, my dog that died in 2009 has a better chance of beating Crist or Scott.
Have a good week. Despite rarely agreeing with them, I like reading your posts. 🙂
If you care about justice, then you SHOULD care about who Ms. Corey emails and why. The fact that you have no problem with it speaks volumes.
No it doesn’t. The fact that you give someone so insignificant in the greater scheme of life (her) the ability to have such an impact over your thoughts and emotions speaks volumes. You are better than she is, act like it please.
I think 95% of what she does is horribly wrong. Prosecuting the woman who shot near kids falls into the other 5%. JMO.
Corey is a terrible Officer; her work is terrible. She has zero moral authority. All you have to do is SUGGEST the idea known as “Court TV” to Corey and she’s off, over-prosecuting people or criminalizing non-criminal actions.
It’s not Alexander, Zimmerman or Michael Dunn as its Corey’s entire body of work as State Attorney that is bad. I can’t name anything she has done that has benefited us. All of the wonderful qualities she supposedly has, that she supposedly brought to this office? I’m left wondering if the people who made these comments ever met Corey as it doesn’t seem possible for her to be the person they were describing.
You should be concerned with who she emails as Corey attempted to entirely circumvent the process by going directly to the Legislators. Corey’s got it all “figured out”: She won’t abuse franking privileges as she’ll abuse email. In case it’s lost on you it’s a TAXATION ISSUE. Corey acted to circumvent you when you pay her salary and she works for you. Any power she has is derived from you. It’s your life that she’s wasting as we resolved No Taxation w/o Representation in 1783. Didn’t anyone let Corey know that the Americans aka The People won the Revolution? Self-evidently Corey believes that the British won. She’s collecting tribute and tribute is so close to worship that you might get a contact high.
Is Corey an angry white woman? As a white woman who is sometimes angry I say no, Corey is merely mimicking all of the unjust, unethical and incompetent men that she knows so she’ll get what she wants like they did, via forms of violence disguised as legal instruments. She’ll beat you into submission with her official letterhead and the State seal. Watch out, she’s got an unlimited supply of paper and she’ll hit you with it! Corey and her ilk? They had better read The Constitution, Marbury V Madison and a court case currently in US Claims as they’re guilty of perpetrating the “domestic violence” exactly named in Art. 4 Sec. 4.
Citizens do not understand:
Americans NEVER negotiate as what we never negotiate is our safety!
Corey is demanding that we negotiate our safety. With her. I told US Claims: “Ignorance is never an excuse in an American court. In this case? Ignorance is the reason.” Corey is ignorant; she’s so ignorant it’s as if we’re two different species.