Political hit lists have been in the news lately. The recent revelation that Hillary Clinton had a hit list, and those that backed Barack Obama were on it, was all over the news.
It seems as though a lot of politicians keep “lists” of people who didn’t support them. Is that why Florida politicians and news media aren’t showcasing Nan Rich? Are they afraid of Charlie Crist?
With polls showing Crist ahead of Rich and current Governor Rick Scott, has the upper echelon of the Democratic Party and the media jumped on the Crist bandwagon, leaving a well qualified candidate to go it alone?
Yup. Definitely.
Nan Rich has served this state faithfully. She has been a staunch supporter of women’s rights, education, and getting people to work. Her principles and priorities have been the same from day 1. Never has she wavered in her faith and support of the Democratic Party.
So I ask, why has the faith and the support of the Democratic Party wavered when it comes to Nan?
two words: Charlie Crist
Charlie Crist has the name recognition to bring in big dollars. Rick Scott’s approval rating is so poor, the majority of Florida just wants him gone. Nan Rich, while relatively unknown, has the principles that the Governor of Florida would need to successfully run this state. She’s fair, she cares, and it is about the people for her, not another “notch on the belt” like it seems with the others.
Even the organizations such as Emily’s List aren’t supporting this woman, who would make history as Florida’s first woman Governor! Florida is one of those states that tends to determine Presidencies, so isn’t it important enough that Emily’s list could at least add Nan Rich, who is pro-choice, to their list? Exposure and name recognition are very important! Oh and for an unkown, Nan Rich only trailed Rick Scott 34-40, with a +/- 4 margin of error in the poll. That’s pretty darn good for someone who doesn’t have the name recognition of Charlie Crist!
The only thing that makes sense to me is that they don’t think Nan Rich can win, and they don’t want to piss off Charlie Crist.
In this respect, I say the democrats could learn a thing or two from the tea party. No matter how long of a shot their candidates may have, they back them. They support them. They rally around them.
They don’t desert them!
Leslie Wimes
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To be honest with you. alot of my particular turn off to her has been her supporters. As an active democrat, I personally do not think she can win. She might be nice but shes raised no money and she s not a dynamic speaker. Her supporters trash Crist MORE than even the republicans which is a total turn off. They go on and on even calling people who dont like her traitors to the party bla bla threatening to vote for Scott if Crist wins. It s just very old. Shes not only NOT going to get the nomination and shes NOT going to win and right now is just more of a distraction to what we need to be doing.
What someone says to you should give you an opinion about THEM, not the person they support. Whether you want to admit it or not, there is merit to some being upset about the newly minted Democrat, Charlie Crist. There is no denying it. Additionally, to ME, loyalty is more important than “dynamic speaking”, and the ability to raise money has a lot to do with exposure. This woman has maintained the party’s principles her entire life. Charlie Crist has not, and more than likely still doesn’t. He just wants to be in office again.
Let’s be honest!
Nan (as I call her) is a wonderful person! However, she just doesn’t have the name recognition to compete against a former governor. For her sake, and for the sake of fiscal responsiblity, I hope she doesn’t spend up all of her money on this election.
Dem’s aren’t going to let Rick get this one. 2016 is right around the corner and Florida is still a major swing state.
You are right, name recognition is very important, and takes money to get the word out. This is what she needed and still needs. That is where support comes in. Democrats should not just want to oust Rick Scott. They should want to do it with the most qualified person.
If name recognition is what it takes to win an election, then why didn’t Hilary win over Barack Obama? Another example is Alex Sink losing to Rick Scott and now losing to Jolly. Who decided that Charlie Crist is the only one to win? I didn’t and no pollster has ever called me. Most of the democrats who are making these decisions don’t know what the grassroots want, only what they want.
That’s the problem. The Powers That Be are making decisions for the people. The people need to come out and support Nan.