If George W. Bush all of a sudden decided he was a Democrat, would Florida Democrats forget every position he stood for, including the Iraq war and embrace him with open arms?
What about Rush Limbaugh? If the right-wing talk show host all of a sudden declared he was a Democrat, would Florida Dems embrace him?
If your answer is no, then I want to know why certain Florida Democrats expect the rest of us to embrace Charlie Crist.
There really is no difference. Charlie Crist has held conservative views, sometimes VERY conservative views, for the majority of his career, and simply because he has no other way back into the political game so he has declared himself a Democrat, some Florida Dems are turning a blind eye to things he has done and said previously.
It’s rather disgusting.
Take for instance the Florida AFL-CIO.
Today, after five times of not endorsing Charlie Crist, they endorsed him over Nan Rich.
Nan Rich has always had the backs of labor unions and working families.
When they say there is no loyalty or honor amongst thieves, they clearly had Charlie Crist and union leaders in mind.
The Florida AFL-CIO knows Charlie Crist can be bought, and they are getting their bid in early.
For the life of me, I don’t understand how any Democrat could support Charlie Crist, but especially so for minorities.
Florida African-Americans need to stop for a moment, look at how we consistently vote for people who consistently do nothing for us. One person said to me that Charlie Crist has helped restore voting rights for felons.
THAT is the reason anyone would vote for him? Our communities are in shambles, our kids are not getting a proper education, our community’s unemployment rates are sky-high, and the only thing someone can say is that Crist helped restore rights for felons?
The African-American community gets crumbs because all we expect are crumbs. Isn’t it time we started truly holding our elected officials accountable?
Charlie Crist only cares about Charlie Crist.
When are we going to realize that just because someone has a bigger name doesn’t make that person a better candidate?
When are we going to realize that just because Charlie Crist has declared himself a Democrat doesn’t mean he really is?
Everyone wants to say that all they care about is getting rid of a Rick Scott. Do they not realize that with Charlie Crist, you’d be trading one shyster for another? Nothing will change IF Crist gets into office. He will still be the same career politician who can be bought by the highest bidder.
He will still be the same sleazy politician who sold Judgeships for cash, only this time he will be selling them to Democrats rather than Republicans.
Do we not care about wrong-doing as long as it appears to be for our benefit? Does right and wrong change depending on the party affiliation?
For Florida Democrats, the answer appears to be yes.
Democrats WILL lose the governor’s mansion again, just like we have for a while now.
It will be interesting to see how fast Charlie Crist changes party affiliation then.
It will also be interesting to see if the party leaders start listening to what we have to say.
Leslie Wimes
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They think we have short memories, yet as that may be true for some, Free Thinkers can save our nation when we enlighten others with we have learned. What happened in Indiana and other areas around the county in 2012, can serve us well if we have learned our lessons. Check this out my Sista: Its a strategic implementation of corrupted politics imposed on electorates in low information areas via the ALEC think tanks (Fake Democrats on the ballots moving our politics further to the right) Unsuspecting communities throughout any GOP controlled state will have false choices on their ballots and the deck will be stacked in most cases with a large number of unknown ALEC friendly candidates as an added measure of confusion using Democrat talking points in local and statewide debates. Thats even if they care enough to show up for debates.. Make sure we do our home work. The ALEC influence on local media in at -risk or low income areas are the easiest targets as most politicians and Gov. Officials are for sale.
As always, great job, Leslie. You are 100% correct with your assessment.
Is switching all it takes? NO, switching is not all it takes. What it takes to get enough support to run is being able to WIN. And just jumping into a race and doing your very, very best… as Nan is doing, is not enough to win in Florida.
To WIN in Florida it takes an adequate well connected political team, and contributors who can secure the needed support in all areas of the state, PLUS an ability to raise the ridiculous amounts of money needed run a statewide election. Nan cannot do that.
So it may not be fair or right, but it is still true… Crist has what it takes to win the governor’s seat, and at this time Nan does not. Sorry.
More than money, it will take votes, and I will not vote for Crist.
Then you will lose.
If Crist is our nominee, we have already lost.
It is your right to not vote for Mr Crist. That doesn’t mean that he is a bad candidate however. Your assertion that Charlie’s migration to the left is ‘disgusting’ is not worthy of the big tent philosophy that is near and dear to Democrats. As Charlie says, the Republicans left him, he didn’t change. I remember thinking that Charlie was a pretty good Democrat even when he was a Republican, so do I hold his party changes against him? No. Would I like Nan to win, yes… but I’m a realist. No way can Nan beat Scott’s money.
Tell that to Eric Cantor as he lost his Primary tonight.
As a union member in North Florida, I wholly agree with your points in here. Thanks for writing this. Even after the primary, progressives need to continue criticizing both Crist and Scott. The 1% wins with either candidate returning to the Governor’s mansion.