Why? That is the first word that comes to my mind when viewing this photograph. Trust and believe, it isn’t the last. I could reel off a litany of other words, CHOICE words, but I won’t. In fact, I don’t have to. Anyone seeing this picture should realize the problem I have with it.
Who wouldn’t have a problem with this? Don’t get me wrong, I know that there are some who are into the whole Bondage/Sado/Masochism thing. HOWEVER, to put this “chair” in a photo shoot featuring an educated professional White woman disturbs me. Not to mention the photo was released on Martin Luther King Day.
I am an advocate for women period, regardless of the race. I can’t, however, let this disgusting photo go unchecked!
Black Women have been, and continue to be, subjected to these types if things. I don’t get why!
What is it about society that makes this ok? Is this supposed to be art? If so, it stinks! Is this supposed to be funny? If do, it isn’t! Is this supposed to be fashion? If so, it’s tasteless.
The magazine in which this appeared is a Russian magazine, Buro 24/7. I’m glad it isn’t in the United States.
Black Women are still trying to get rid of the stereotypes that still plague us. This doesn’t make it any easier! Thanks to Me And My 1000 girlfriends for alerting me to this!
Leslie Wimes
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Every time I look at this picture I get disgusted!
After researching and looking closely at that picture, it is deplorable and depicts black women in a negative light. It says to me we are beneath Russian woman, et al; I say et al to mean literally and others. We have been mocked and ridiculed for centuries in the USA and abroad for being a race of people, especially women that don’t care. They treat our First Lady with No respect, she is well educated and married to an educated man, which they think is totally impossible for our race to do.
We are passed by for jobs based on our skin color and ethnic look. Yes, black women as well as black men are still treated like 21st century second class citizens. The picture did deserve an apology by Zhukova, Miroslava Duma and the blacks legs should be removed as well.
A picture not in good taste and should literally be in a garage underneath a car tire.