As you all know from a previous piece I wrote, Florida African-American Women have mobilized and formed the Democratic African-American Women’s Caucus. This Caucus was formed to finally give African-American Women a collective voice, and seat at the table, here in Florida.
For So long, we have supported everyone via our votes, taking a back seat while doing so.
Now, we want a seat at the table that WE helped to prepare.
Only, The Florida Democratic Party leaders have determined that African-American Women having a seat at the table isn’t something they want.
Or at least not in a timely manner.
On the surface, it really doesn’t make much sense as to why the Florida Democratic Party leaders would want to alienate a voting block such as African-American Women.
Under the surface, however, it becomes clearer.
You see, these people want our support.
They want our votes, but they really don’t want to have to address our issues.
Having a seat at the table means we aren’t on the menu and our voices HAVE to be heard, not from a third party, but directly from US.
As a voting block, a strong voting block, haven’t we earned that right?
Why should we continue to play bridesmaid, never being the bride?
In fact, not one, but two of the people that deal with Clubs and Caucuses for the party suggested that we work under the auspices of a club that, you guessed it, is run by someone who isn’t African-American.
I’m thinking that there is a conspiracy to keep us down, because I recently had a conversation with Maureen McKenna, who is the President of The Democratic Women’s Club of Florida in which she admitted that she didn’t want the DAAWC to exist because she was afraid that it would take away from her group.
She went so far as to suggest that she create a task force or committee to address the needs of African-American Women, rather than have us create our own organization.
She was afraid that African-American Women would join the DAAWC, and somehow leave the DWCF powerless.
Trust and believe that the Lord had me that day, because if the Devil had an inch, it wouldn’t have been pretty!
African-American Women should be relegated to a task force now? A committee?
Ken Evans, the Chair of Clubs and Caucuses for Florida, asked if it would be easier to work under the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida, then went on to say he was too busy working with Lois Frankel’s campaign to do the job of Chair.
Too busy to address the needs of African-American Women?
When I told him that I would be quoting him on that, he informed me that my saying that wasn’t going to get our caucus certified, in so many words.
Am I supposed to treat him as “Massa” in order to get him to do something that is his job?
I’m guessing that a conversation was had by some, because now the common theme seems to be that Democratic African-American Women should continue to work for other organizations, rather than have our own.
Nick Pelitto of the Florida Democratic Party said it.
Ken Evans of the Florida Democratic Party said it.
Maureen McKenna of the Democratic Women’s Club of Florida said it.
Hell, even Henry Crespo of the Democratic Black Caucus said it.
Notice that the common theme of the people “saying” it is that not one is an African-American Woman, and yet they profess to know what’s good for us.
Exactly why are these people afraid of African-American Women having a voice??
When I was told of the phone calls that were made to try to put the kabosh on the DAAWC, at first I chuckled.
I’m not laughing anymore, and neither are the ladies who have banded together to form the DAAWC.
You see, the DAAWC has a FaceBook group, as well as a FaceBook page. The website is currently under construction, but will be available soon.
The DAAWC numbers continue to grow, and will only get larger. In fact, the Caucus been approached about starting DAAWCs in other states. I think that is something that definitely needs to happen.
African-American Women are a force to be reckoned with, and maybe that’s why this group is being stonewalled.
We aren’t going anywhere, and we KNOW how valuable our votes are, especially in November for Florida.
Somebody, somewhere, better recognize.
Our votes can no longer be taken for granted, nor can we.
The DAAWC simply wants to work WITH other groups, not FOR other groups.
Come hell or high water, that WILL happen.
Leslie Wimes
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You’re kidding, right?
The Dems abuse you for 200 years and you feel taken for granted?
They emasculate your men, put your kids in chronically failing schools, refuse to let you arm yourselves against urban thugs, aborted 17 million of your babies (since Roe v. Wade) and all you want is a club?
Where’s your self respect?
Why don’t you want husbands that are worthy, schools that you choose for your kids, concealed weapons permits and the moving of the abortion mills from the cities to the suburban Liberal enclaves?
Yes, I’m a Republican, the Party you won’t vote for; the party that freed the slaves, gave women the vote, sent the troops into Little Rock; the Party of Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver and Jackie Robinson; the Party that offers you Opportunity while you’re committed to begging for the scraps of Dependency.
Stop whining. You asked for it.
First, you sound very, very bitter. Second, the Republicans that “freed” the slaves, are certainly not the ones who are around today. The fact that you are insinuating that we don’t have husbands that are “worthy” tells me that you have this superiority thing going on where you think that you are better than someone else. Are you worthy? In case you didn’t know it, thugs live EVERYWHERE, including suburban Palm Beach County. Perhaps if Republicans did ANY outreach to the African-American communities, which you don’t, we MIGHT listen to what you have to say, however dragging yourself over here to try to put someone else down, doesn’t make you look any better, in fact, it makes you look worse. Now to give you a little bit of history, Black people have been abused by just as many Republicans as Democrats. Both parties are guilty of atrocities. Don’t come over here acting like you have always had our best interests at heart because you didn’t and you don’t as evidenced by this current tirade. You want our votes, that is clear. Exactly what have you done for us LATELY?? Why do you have to go back so many years to point out ANYTHING Republicans have done? Marinate on that for a minute. We are in 2014 and you are going back 151 years to try to point something out? give me a break.